Thursday, March 21, 2013


When are people going to understand that living the sweetheart life is nothing more than an IMITATION of what God really what's  them to experience in the sacred covenant of marriage.  The sweetheart life is nothing more than a lie and both persons are being deceptive to the other.  Because of the compromise, none can fully trust and both find themselves continuously looking over their shoulders for the judgment or failure that follows.  If you've been someone's sweetheart for a lengthy period of time, you have  been caught in the snare of a deceptive relationship... This is not the will of God for your life, it is the plan of the devil for the destruction of your soul and the deprivation of God's good and perfect will for you. You are worth more than  being someone's sexual playmate and your life's value is exceedingly beyond another person's sinful and immoral pleasures.

Too often we focus on the here and now and not on the consequences of our actions.  I have heard many persons say that the sweetheart life is a bitter/sweet life.  Sweet for a while and bitter for an extensive period of time.  It is not until one recognizes the level of immorality they have subjected themselves to, that they are able to realize how  cheap the person views them and how much they have been taken advantage of  just to experience a moment of  pleasure.  There is something better than a borrowed mate, let go and allow God to bless you with that special person who is comparable to the wonderful person you are.  Why settle for the imitation when you can have the real thing.  Why invest in a borrowed product when you can invest in your own.  A wise investment is not putting your money in a rental but in that which belongs to you.  If he/she is married you are simply wasting your youth, your money, your time, your emotions and your life on something that awaits the judgment of God.

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