Thursday, March 7, 2013

I Believe I Can.

There are so many people who have such great dreams and have thoroughly worked out a plan in their minds.  After sharing their dreams with their family and friends, sadly most of their responses were negative.  You may have also experienced such response from those who you expected to share your joy......I have.

I can recall so many of my dreams after being shared with loved ones and friends, it was to them nothing more than a mountain that I could not climb.  I hope that you was just as strong as I was to stand notwithstanding they could not appreciate my/your dream.  I have come to realize that the ONLY person who really need to believe in the dream, is the dreamer.  Joseph was mocked by his brothers, likewise Jesus; for many He was nothing more than the carpenter's son.  Neither Joseph or Jesus allowed the response of others to kill their purpose or dream.

I believe that regardless of those who do not believe that I can, I know that I am able.  I believe that I possess the authority to condemn every tongue that rise up against me in judgment.  Believe that you can and be fully persuaded that it is more important to have the strength of God than many nay sayers.  It is far more important to believe that the power invested and entrusted to you is all you need to bring that dream into reality.

Abraham believed that he could and he did with the assistance and guidance of God.  Noah believed that it was going to rain although it never happened before and he was unable to explain what it is.  You may not be able to explain each stage and every step and that is alright as long as you continue to believe that you can.  In spite of it all I believe I can and I hope you do also.

Apostle Mrs. Tanya Garland-Munroe

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