Thursday, March 7, 2013

Invest In Your Ministry

As individuals in the body of Christ, we have been invested with spiritual gifts.  These gifts which Elohim God has entrusted in us is not for you and I to use at our convenience, neither is it for us to use for our personal glory.  When we become knowledgeable of what is required of us in service to our local assemblies  and also unto our Heavenly Father, it is our responsibility to make the necessary changes in our lives to walk worthy of the vocation in which we have been called - Ephesians 4:1.  Too often followers of Christ sit down on the seat of do nothing and fail and/or refuse to use their spiritual gifts for the Kingdom of God.

It is our spiritual duty and responsibility to invest in our ministry.  We do this by ensuring that we serve our local assemblies/place of worship and Elohim, God at the standard which He requires of us.  Sadly these gifts are used more worldly than spiritually and the body of Christ is left destitute of the necessary services and gifted persons to enable it to function in the capacity which God has ordained.  We all as believers must strive to live our lives beyond selfishness and invest in our ministry for the glory of God, rather than the praise of man or self glory.  Investing in our ministry is not for you and I to use our spiritual gifts for the world but rather for God and the smooth operation of services in our local assemblies.  I encourage you, no matter what your spiritual gifts are, whether it is Usher, Psalmist, Media, Secretary, Drummer, etc.  serve the body of Christ and Elohim, God to the best of your ability. Look beyond your personal desires and seek the desires and will of God concerning your life.  The best investment that you can make is to invest in your ministry for ONLY  that which is done for Christ will last.  Be encouraged, the body of Christ still awaits your humbly service.

Apostle Mrs. Tanya Garland-Munroe


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