Thursday, March 7, 2013

Whose Sins Are They?

I can recall myself having examined my life from time to time with the attempt to discover why I have struggles in certain areas.  I found myself fighting or warding off thoughts that I knew was in complete contrast to who I am.  Temptations that back then, to my lack of knowledge was deemed as coming from nowhere.

I often times prayed seeking for strength to close the door, notwithstanding I had no knowledge of how it got opened or who opened it.  One day, after experiencing such struggles for a lengthy period of time, the Holy Spirit gave me a profound revelation.  My struggles and bizarre temptations were not as the result of my sins or compromises, they were the result of my parents and grandparents sins.

Learn this very important truth.....whatever your parents or ancestors have failed to overcome becomes your challenges or struggles.  Whatever sins, and evil doings that your parents or grandparents thought they got away with, is being repeated in your life, in another generation with greater challenges.  This is the truth that was revealed to me by the Holy Spirit.......what a relief!   I no  longer needed to repeatedly pray about bizarre temptations and challenges that appear to come from nowhere or out of the blue.  I now pray with the understanding. My prayers are now words of knowledge.

If you find yourself struggling like I did in the past having to ward off bizarre temptations, or challenged with overcoming struggles that you know are in complete contrast to who you are, pray for the release of the strongholds that were handed down by your parents, grandparents or ancestors.  Ask Elohim to forgive your parents, grandparents and ancestor for their compromises, evil actions and sins.  Pray for deliverance, it was not your sins, but it has become  your test.  What our parents have failed to overcome, is now our duty to defeat.  Let that sin, that challenge, that struggle end with you.  Defeat it, conquer  it and prevent it from continuing in your lineage.  You and I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens encouraged....Elohim still loves you  and understands your struggles......It was not your sins!

Apostle Mrs. Tanya Garland-Munroe

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