Thursday, March 7, 2013

Wasted Time

I was thinking about my life lately and came to a very deep realization.  I realized how much of my time was dedicated to things and people which left my life unfulfilled.  I reflected on the amount of people I dedicated  my time to who did not appreciate it, those who  had no regard for the sacrifice which needed to be made and those who thought I had nothing better to do.  I also reflected on  those who habitually thought I had to wait until they were ready to assist or avail themselves to me in  my time of NEED and those who were habitually late whenever there was a time for us to meet.  So much of my time was wasted on people who thought very little of the person who I am and the time I have made available to them on numerous occasions.

There are so many things that we all dedicate our time towards and these things are unproductive and unfruitful.  Time goes by so quickly and we don't realize it until years later and there is little to nothing accomplished.  Some of us are wasting our time in painful, disappointing relationships.  Others are dedicating themselves to so-called friends who are only users or controlled by jealousy. There are those who are wasting time in abusive relationships and with people who negatively effect their self esteem.

It is time for us all to put an end to wasting time.  This day, we will never see again and what transpires within the day can not be undone.  So we must cease from wasting our time with people and things that profits us nothing. We must strive to desist from dead works, meaningless relationships and place a value on our time. When you and I fail to value our time and ourselves, we will often times find ourselves being taken advantage of or being devalued by others.  Know your self worth and know the value of your time and make an effort to stop wasting time.  Yesterday is gone forever, today is here to be embraced and maximized and tomorrow is our hope for the better. Don't waste time but rather use it and give it to people and things that will be fulfilling and profitable.

Apostle Tanya Garland-Munroe

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