Sunday, January 26, 2014

The Assignment, Knowing The Purpose

I am doubling up on my productivity this year. I do not only believe that this is my year to experience and receive double; I am also producing double for God's glory. The principle of double is not based on wishful thinking but upon our method and quantity of sowing. My expectancy is double because I am doubling up on my praise, worship, prayers, meditation and talents...The only time my talents will be buried is when planted in a fertile ground for sowing. Here is my next book and there is much more to come. As the Lord deposits into my soul, I will be obedient and write it, publish it and wait on the next one. This is my year for double productivity!

VAIN, The Foundation of Emptiness Book

We have inadvertently failed to acknowledge our vain thoughts, our vain prayers, our vain worship and our vain labor. We have spent hours thinking, years citing vain repetitions as prayers and for many of us a great portion of our lives attempting to discover our purpose and to fill our emptiness. Tanya E. Munroe, Apostolic Teacher of Word Alive Ministries International and author of Definition By Character, Broken But Not Destroyed, A Forgiving Heart and Situations once again provoke her readers to thoroughly examine themselves. The contents of this book will stimulate your mind causing you to take a spiritual, microscopic view of your motives. What is vain about your life? Where is the foundation of your emptiness? Tanya's purpose in writing this book is to assist you in discovering how the vain areas of your life contributed to your emptiness. There is a void that needs to be filled. There is a foundation of emptiness that must be rooted up. There is a strategic plan for filling your voids and eradicating your emptiness and that plan is disclosed within the pages of this book.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

The Truth and I (made with Spreaker)

My Shopping Cart


We like to persuade ourselves that we have it all together. Sadly we know that we have deceived ourselves. Why do we do this? PRIDE. Too many of us who profess Christianity love ourselves more than we love Elohim, God. Self love is self worship and is also idolatry. So many of us as Christians are disgusted with the fact that we allowed someone to see the softer, emotional side of us, and struggle with giving our love unto others. This type of mindset and attitude is not of God and truly is not spiritual. The softer, emotional side of us is what we should be comfortably manifesting. Throughout the word of God we read that Jesus was moved by compassion. Having it all together is not what you and I  have so often deceived ourselves into believing. Having it all together truly means that we have completely surrendered ALL of ourselves unto God. This means that our self made character and image must die. We must allow Elohim, God to keep us together like clay in the hands of a potter.  We must release ourselves from that image in the forefront of our minds and permit the Spirit of God to replace it with God's image. Genesis 1:27 (NKJV) - "So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female  he created them." We have forgotten that we are made in Elohim's image and likeness. Rather than conforming to Him, we have made every attempt to conform to the image of ourselves. What a great deception!

If you were asked if you worshiped an idol, your answer would be no.  This would be your answer because you have been ignorant of the fact that you've been worshiping the image of yourself. You have held onto and pursued that image for so many years. This image of yourself have prevented you from experiencing God in an intimate way. It has secluded you and prevented you from establishing healthy relationships with a church, with your neighbor, with co-workers and potential friends. You are so caught up with just doing you...idolatry. You love yourself so much, that selfishness is the message of your life rather than the love of Christ dwelling in your heart. It has also hardened your heart towards others, thus preventing you from restoring relationships. This image of yourself have kept you in bondage, thus preventing you from loving, caring, forgiving and being sincere unto others. Probably you don't worship Buddha, Molech, Allah, Ra, or Baal but are you guilty of worshiping the image of YOU? Deuteronomy 5:6, 7 (NKJV) - "I am the Lord your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt (worldliness), out of the house of bondage (controlled by sinful desires). You shall have no other gods before Me (nothing in your life should be of greater importance than your relationship with your Creator)" emphasis added. Are your decisions made to honor the image of yourself or the image of God? Idolatry includes self worship. If the image of yourself have not yet been torn down, I want you know that Jesus Christ is not Lord of your life and Elohim is not your God. You are your own god and you are yet to conform to God's will and be transformed to His image. Until the image in the forefront of your mind is replaced with the image and likeness of Elohim God, you are guilty of idolatry. "Jesus said to him, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind." this is the first and great commandment." Matthew 22:37, 38 (NKJV).

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Make It Plain

It usually take some set backs in life to provoke us to make the vision which we received from God plain enough for us to understand and also obey. We have so often heard many say that it is important to write the vision down and make it plain. I had so much confidence in myself and was fully persuaded that I can keep whatever God showed me in the forefront of my mind. Did I forget it as time went by? No I did not and can recite the details of the vision if asked to do so. The challenge was not my ability to recall the details but to execute in accordance to the details. We so often allow others to offer their suggestions on how, when and what we should do in relation to the vision we received from God. This is where all the confusion begin. We are instructed to make the vision plain to ensure that there are no alterations to what Almighty God showed us. When Moses received his instructions from God as it relates to how he must build the temple, he obeyed God completely. Moses used the exact height, width, colors, positions, numbers, clothing and jewels for the priests, and vessels. He changed nothing. This is what it means to make the vision plain - we change nothing. Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly Psalm 1:1. The ungodly is any advice or counsel contrary to that which we've received from Almighty God. Make it plain. We must make it plain because our failure or refusal to do so will delay the vision becoming a reality. God has not forgotten about you. He is not slack concerning His promise. The message He sent to you will not return to Him void. Elohim, God is waiting for you and I to become fully persuaded that the vision is real, that it must not be altered and for us to receive it in our hearts as He sent it. Make it plain people of God and watch God make it real.

Friday, January 17, 2014


As Christians we often times blame the devil for most of the negative things that occur in our lives. Rarely would we examine ourselves to ascertain where and how we erred in our decision making. Indeed the devil's assignment is to lure us away and tempt us to do contrary to Elohim's will for our lives; however we are solely responsible for our decisions made. With excitement most of us will say that we love our God and further confession to having a relationship with Him. As Christians we would defend the validity of the holy scriptures and commit ourselves to reading or studying it daily. We purchase spiritual books, inspirational and gospel music, we surround ourselves with spiritual materials which will aid in our spiritual development. We have one problem. We repeatedly deny the TRUTH. How often have Christians without any hesitation admitted that Saturday is the Sabbath and the Ten Commandments are still applicable, yet they refuse to observe the Sabbath day as commanded? How many followers of Christ understand that love is applicable to all, yet revenge is sought against their offenders? How many of us have accepted marriage as a holy, sacred covenant for the term of our spouses' lives and yet as Christians we get divorce and remarry while our spouses are still alive? What about tithing, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves, submitting unto spiritual leadership, honesty and having a humble spirit. I am writing about denial of the truth found in the holy scriptures. We claim to be followers and believers of the Word of God, yet we so easily deny the truth when our lives are challenged to endure a trial, maintain a relationship or challenged to change. We completely understand the importance and principle of forgiveness yet so often bridges are burnt, friendships terminated, membership or support of our local assemblies (church) discontinued or marriages dissolved. DENIAL - We become delusional and full of pride as the result of our rejection of the TRUTH. Are we going to continue to blame the devil because we refuse to change? DENIAL! Are we going to continue to say it was our spouse's fault, our spiritual leader, our friend, neighbor or whomsoever we can blame other than ourselves? DENIAL! Are we going to continue to blame the devil because we are so adamant and selfish about having our own way? DENIAL! All to Jesus I surrender, all to Him I freely give. What have you given unto Him? Jesus is yet to become Lord in most of our lives because we are yet to surrender our will unto Him? Jesus is The Way to Elohim God, He is The Truth about ourselves and who God is and He is The Life that our souls are so desperate to experience. DENIAL - we have denied the TRUTH, which means we have denied the living word of God which also means we are denying Christ. I guess you will deny this also.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


The spirit of Jezebel in a male or female attaches itself to a spiritual leader posing as one sent to assist in accomplishing the leader's spiritual assignment. This spirit is beautiful, charming and extremely helpful in the beginning. The spirit of Jezebel is cunning, deceitful and driven by hidden evil. The male or female who operates under this spirit is sent by Satan to distort the spiritual leader's vision, defame his/her character and in the end sabotage the leader's future and ministry. Upon being recognized, rebuked and set aside, this individual thereafter shares all that he/she has learnt about the spiritual leader unto others attempting to slander and destroy the leader's character. This is Jezebel's method of concealing his/her real identity. Jezebel is driven by revenge and always sees herself as the victim. Jezebel is a traitor. The spirit of Jezebel is a seducer sent to lure the leader away from his/her spiritual purpose. Jezebel is a destroyer. Jezebel is controlling and undermines the spiritual leader in a subtle manner. The spirit of Jezebel protects itself by ending the relationship, abandoning the ministry and completely disconnecting itself from the spiritual leader as an attempt to mentally, emotionally and spiritually paralyze the leader. I thank God for the Jehu anointing for truly the spirit of Jezebel will be over thrown, exposed and destroyed


THE YEAR OF DOUBLE PORTION Many are anticipating a double portion in 2014. Let us just say that this is what this year represents and if so, it is applicable to all. If we verily believe that God rains on the just and the unjust because rain must come, then the same applies to double in 2014. The question is not who the double portion is applicable to but what in each individual's life will be doubled. Take your time and review the list of things that will be doubled: 1. The hurt and pain you've cause will be doubly returned to you 2. The love and kindness given will be doubly received 3. The finances you've invested in God's kingdom will be increased by double 4. The malicious slander of a person's character and name will be doubled unto you 5. The curses you've spoke in revenge and bitterness will be returned unto you double 6. The seeds you've sown will rapidly spring forth at a double rate whether negative or positive. 7. The trouble and confusion you've caused will be returned unto you double 8. The doors you've closed and boundaries you've set in spite to block people out of your life will return unto you double (burnt bridges). 9. You will receive a double portion of your deceitfulness 10. You will receive a double judgment for stealing in whatever manner from your employer, God, spouse, friend or neighbor; expect to suffer a double portion of loss. The year of 2014 is a year of double portion, however many are not prepared to receive the rewards or consequences of their actions. I want you to know that in this year, our rebuking the devil will not annul and make void the consequences of our wrong doings. Be prepared to receive double and except a speedy return because time is also moving at a double rate. I do humbly advise and recommend that we do equally be careful of our conduct and especially how we treat others because there is a speedy boomerang effect. This is the year of 2014... what is being doubled in your life?

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Faith and Reconciliation (Positioning yourself for fruitfulness)

Get assistance in restoring your broken relationships and position yourself for fruitfulness. Purchase Apostle's latest book A Forgiving Heart and allow the contents of this book to heal and motivate you to live your life to the fullest for God's glory. Just click the following link for review

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

I am a Christian

I am often times wrong and I often times say I'm SORRY. Oftentimes I am confused and not ashamed to say so. I do find myself needing help many times in my life, and I am not afraid to ask for it. Sometimes my emotions and thoughts are out of whack and I act foolishly and I am not too proud to admit it. I am not so wrapped up in myself and full of pride whereby I find it necessary for me to hide my weaknesses... Like the good book said, we will fall short of His glory and often times I do. Every time I recognize that I have failed, messed up, said the wrong words, did something wrong, I seek forgiveness both from man and God and I move on. I am a Christian and I love the Lord with all of my heart and I love my life with all of my shortcomings...What about you?

Thursday, January 2, 2014

It Is Our Choice

Daily our minds are bombarded with ideas. Some of these ideas are immediately discarded and esteemed as not worthy of our time in thought. However there are some ideas that come to our minds which we ponder for days. When we meditate on a thought, we are inadvertently making the decision to give life to the idea or thought. Many of us have made new year's resolutions and have pondered many thoughts. It is the responsibility of each one of us to choose which of our ideas is worth giving life unto. As attractive and comforting as some thoughts are, they are not always for our good. Some of the most appealing things to our eyes, hearts and minds are also the most destructive to our souls and the greatest deterrence in us accomplishing our set goals. It is our choice what we do with our ideas. We must come to the realization that things which are unappealing have great difficulty in luring us away from our purpose in life. So what must you and I do with the appealing ideas or thoughts that crowd our minds? We must discern every thought and be careful of what we meditate on because we cannot afford to give life to the wrong idea - 2 Corinthians 10:3-6 (mental warfare). It is our choice whether we are going to bite the wrong bait and plummet or bite the right bait and excel. Both baits (ideas) are appealing and presents itself as being for our good. Some of the most uncomfortable thoughts bring to our lives the most rewarding results. We must be very careful of what we choose because our choice, whether physical or mental will determine if you and I will plummet from or thrust toward our goals. We all have appealing ideas, we just need to realize that as good as they appear to be, some of our ideas are destructive. It is our choice what we do with our ideas. We must make sure that the result of our decisions is taking us upward and toward and not downward and away from your set goals in life.