Tuesday, January 14, 2014


THE YEAR OF DOUBLE PORTION Many are anticipating a double portion in 2014. Let us just say that this is what this year represents and if so, it is applicable to all. If we verily believe that God rains on the just and the unjust because rain must come, then the same applies to double in 2014. The question is not who the double portion is applicable to but what in each individual's life will be doubled. Take your time and review the list of things that will be doubled: 1. The hurt and pain you've cause will be doubly returned to you 2. The love and kindness given will be doubly received 3. The finances you've invested in God's kingdom will be increased by double 4. The malicious slander of a person's character and name will be doubled unto you 5. The curses you've spoke in revenge and bitterness will be returned unto you double 6. The seeds you've sown will rapidly spring forth at a double rate whether negative or positive. 7. The trouble and confusion you've caused will be returned unto you double 8. The doors you've closed and boundaries you've set in spite to block people out of your life will return unto you double (burnt bridges). 9. You will receive a double portion of your deceitfulness 10. You will receive a double judgment for stealing in whatever manner from your employer, God, spouse, friend or neighbor; expect to suffer a double portion of loss. The year of 2014 is a year of double portion, however many are not prepared to receive the rewards or consequences of their actions. I want you to know that in this year, our rebuking the devil will not annul and make void the consequences of our wrong doings. Be prepared to receive double and except a speedy return because time is also moving at a double rate. I do humbly advise and recommend that we do equally be careful of our conduct and especially how we treat others because there is a speedy boomerang effect. This is the year of 2014... what is being doubled in your life?

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