Friday, January 17, 2014


As Christians we often times blame the devil for most of the negative things that occur in our lives. Rarely would we examine ourselves to ascertain where and how we erred in our decision making. Indeed the devil's assignment is to lure us away and tempt us to do contrary to Elohim's will for our lives; however we are solely responsible for our decisions made. With excitement most of us will say that we love our God and further confession to having a relationship with Him. As Christians we would defend the validity of the holy scriptures and commit ourselves to reading or studying it daily. We purchase spiritual books, inspirational and gospel music, we surround ourselves with spiritual materials which will aid in our spiritual development. We have one problem. We repeatedly deny the TRUTH. How often have Christians without any hesitation admitted that Saturday is the Sabbath and the Ten Commandments are still applicable, yet they refuse to observe the Sabbath day as commanded? How many followers of Christ understand that love is applicable to all, yet revenge is sought against their offenders? How many of us have accepted marriage as a holy, sacred covenant for the term of our spouses' lives and yet as Christians we get divorce and remarry while our spouses are still alive? What about tithing, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves, submitting unto spiritual leadership, honesty and having a humble spirit. I am writing about denial of the truth found in the holy scriptures. We claim to be followers and believers of the Word of God, yet we so easily deny the truth when our lives are challenged to endure a trial, maintain a relationship or challenged to change. We completely understand the importance and principle of forgiveness yet so often bridges are burnt, friendships terminated, membership or support of our local assemblies (church) discontinued or marriages dissolved. DENIAL - We become delusional and full of pride as the result of our rejection of the TRUTH. Are we going to continue to blame the devil because we refuse to change? DENIAL! Are we going to continue to say it was our spouse's fault, our spiritual leader, our friend, neighbor or whomsoever we can blame other than ourselves? DENIAL! Are we going to continue to blame the devil because we are so adamant and selfish about having our own way? DENIAL! All to Jesus I surrender, all to Him I freely give. What have you given unto Him? Jesus is yet to become Lord in most of our lives because we are yet to surrender our will unto Him? Jesus is The Way to Elohim God, He is The Truth about ourselves and who God is and He is The Life that our souls are so desperate to experience. DENIAL - we have denied the TRUTH, which means we have denied the living word of God which also means we are denying Christ. I guess you will deny this also.

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