Sunday, January 26, 2014

VAIN, The Foundation of Emptiness Book

We have inadvertently failed to acknowledge our vain thoughts, our vain prayers, our vain worship and our vain labor. We have spent hours thinking, years citing vain repetitions as prayers and for many of us a great portion of our lives attempting to discover our purpose and to fill our emptiness. Tanya E. Munroe, Apostolic Teacher of Word Alive Ministries International and author of Definition By Character, Broken But Not Destroyed, A Forgiving Heart and Situations once again provoke her readers to thoroughly examine themselves. The contents of this book will stimulate your mind causing you to take a spiritual, microscopic view of your motives. What is vain about your life? Where is the foundation of your emptiness? Tanya's purpose in writing this book is to assist you in discovering how the vain areas of your life contributed to your emptiness. There is a void that needs to be filled. There is a foundation of emptiness that must be rooted up. There is a strategic plan for filling your voids and eradicating your emptiness and that plan is disclosed within the pages of this book.

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