Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Make It Plain

It usually take some set backs in life to provoke us to make the vision which we received from God plain enough for us to understand and also obey. We have so often heard many say that it is important to write the vision down and make it plain. I had so much confidence in myself and was fully persuaded that I can keep whatever God showed me in the forefront of my mind. Did I forget it as time went by? No I did not and can recite the details of the vision if asked to do so. The challenge was not my ability to recall the details but to execute in accordance to the details. We so often allow others to offer their suggestions on how, when and what we should do in relation to the vision we received from God. This is where all the confusion begin. We are instructed to make the vision plain to ensure that there are no alterations to what Almighty God showed us. When Moses received his instructions from God as it relates to how he must build the temple, he obeyed God completely. Moses used the exact height, width, colors, positions, numbers, clothing and jewels for the priests, and vessels. He changed nothing. This is what it means to make the vision plain - we change nothing. Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly Psalm 1:1. The ungodly is any advice or counsel contrary to that which we've received from Almighty God. Make it plain. We must make it plain because our failure or refusal to do so will delay the vision becoming a reality. God has not forgotten about you. He is not slack concerning His promise. The message He sent to you will not return to Him void. Elohim, God is waiting for you and I to become fully persuaded that the vision is real, that it must not be altered and for us to receive it in our hearts as He sent it. Make it plain people of God and watch God make it real.

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