Saturday, January 25, 2014


We like to persuade ourselves that we have it all together. Sadly we know that we have deceived ourselves. Why do we do this? PRIDE. Too many of us who profess Christianity love ourselves more than we love Elohim, God. Self love is self worship and is also idolatry. So many of us as Christians are disgusted with the fact that we allowed someone to see the softer, emotional side of us, and struggle with giving our love unto others. This type of mindset and attitude is not of God and truly is not spiritual. The softer, emotional side of us is what we should be comfortably manifesting. Throughout the word of God we read that Jesus was moved by compassion. Having it all together is not what you and I  have so often deceived ourselves into believing. Having it all together truly means that we have completely surrendered ALL of ourselves unto God. This means that our self made character and image must die. We must allow Elohim, God to keep us together like clay in the hands of a potter.  We must release ourselves from that image in the forefront of our minds and permit the Spirit of God to replace it with God's image. Genesis 1:27 (NKJV) - "So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female  he created them." We have forgotten that we are made in Elohim's image and likeness. Rather than conforming to Him, we have made every attempt to conform to the image of ourselves. What a great deception!

If you were asked if you worshiped an idol, your answer would be no.  This would be your answer because you have been ignorant of the fact that you've been worshiping the image of yourself. You have held onto and pursued that image for so many years. This image of yourself have prevented you from experiencing God in an intimate way. It has secluded you and prevented you from establishing healthy relationships with a church, with your neighbor, with co-workers and potential friends. You are so caught up with just doing you...idolatry. You love yourself so much, that selfishness is the message of your life rather than the love of Christ dwelling in your heart. It has also hardened your heart towards others, thus preventing you from restoring relationships. This image of yourself have kept you in bondage, thus preventing you from loving, caring, forgiving and being sincere unto others. Probably you don't worship Buddha, Molech, Allah, Ra, or Baal but are you guilty of worshiping the image of YOU? Deuteronomy 5:6, 7 (NKJV) - "I am the Lord your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt (worldliness), out of the house of bondage (controlled by sinful desires). You shall have no other gods before Me (nothing in your life should be of greater importance than your relationship with your Creator)" emphasis added. Are your decisions made to honor the image of yourself or the image of God? Idolatry includes self worship. If the image of yourself have not yet been torn down, I want you know that Jesus Christ is not Lord of your life and Elohim is not your God. You are your own god and you are yet to conform to God's will and be transformed to His image. Until the image in the forefront of your mind is replaced with the image and likeness of Elohim God, you are guilty of idolatry. "Jesus said to him, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind." this is the first and great commandment." Matthew 22:37, 38 (NKJV).

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