Tuesday, January 14, 2014


The spirit of Jezebel in a male or female attaches itself to a spiritual leader posing as one sent to assist in accomplishing the leader's spiritual assignment. This spirit is beautiful, charming and extremely helpful in the beginning. The spirit of Jezebel is cunning, deceitful and driven by hidden evil. The male or female who operates under this spirit is sent by Satan to distort the spiritual leader's vision, defame his/her character and in the end sabotage the leader's future and ministry. Upon being recognized, rebuked and set aside, this individual thereafter shares all that he/she has learnt about the spiritual leader unto others attempting to slander and destroy the leader's character. This is Jezebel's method of concealing his/her real identity. Jezebel is driven by revenge and always sees herself as the victim. Jezebel is a traitor. The spirit of Jezebel is a seducer sent to lure the leader away from his/her spiritual purpose. Jezebel is a destroyer. Jezebel is controlling and undermines the spiritual leader in a subtle manner. The spirit of Jezebel protects itself by ending the relationship, abandoning the ministry and completely disconnecting itself from the spiritual leader as an attempt to mentally, emotionally and spiritually paralyze the leader. I thank God for the Jehu anointing for truly the spirit of Jezebel will be over thrown, exposed and destroyed

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