Friday, November 13, 2015


With the holiday seasons fast approaching it is very easy for us to lose our focus on  those things that are of grave importance.  Truly it is a great pleasure to have fellowship with relatives  and friends whom we have not seen for months, but the important things of life should not be placed on the back burner.  Too often we sacrifice what is important and needed for a moment's pleasure.  Year after year thousands of people over spend during Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. This year I ask you to do something different. I also ask of you to challenge yourself to stay within your budget.  

Losing focus is something that happens so easily that without any indication we've been caught in all of the activities that have been going on around us.  We don't realize that we've over spent until it happened and the same applies to time spent having fun.  Too often during the months of November and December of each year thousands of people over exert themselves and are extremely exhausted after the holidays.  

I would like for us all to truly remember the essence of Thanksgiving and Christmas. Remember please, if you dare, the reasons why these holidays were enacted and enforce them accordingly.  I highly doubt that Thanksgiving was all about what we practice nowadays.  Many don't have a heart of gratitude although donations are given to the less fortunate. Too many of us are not wise stewards with our time, finances and energy.  Let us sincerely give thanks this Thanksgiving holiday and during our gatherings tell our family and friends why we are grateful for them being a part of our world. Let us do our best to stay FOCUSED. 

Tanya E. Munroe
Apostolic Teacher
Word Alive Ministries Intl.

Friday, August 28, 2015

Practice Being You

 I think it is a very good idea for us to forget who we are and allow ourselves to live as we were created to be.  Many of us know that we are living our lives terribly below the  required spiritual standard.  This knowledge too often is shoved to the back of our minds because the crowd demands of us to blend in.

For many of us it is a challenge to blend in with the crowd and the new thing that is happening in the world around us.  It is a challenge because we know better and when we fail to live accordingly we choose to  live our lives beneath the required spiritual standard.  Blending in is a discomfort and if you refuse to become who you know you should be, you have decided also to live an unhappy life.

How many people would want to maintain their relationship with you if your mask was taken off?  Would you be more loved or would they run away because the real you is not a person of their interest?  We need to get to that mental and emotional place in our lives whereby who we should be is what matters most and not what people expect of us and  who they want us to be.

We would never be able to please everyone, this is just impossible.  However what you and me can do is be true to ourselves and start living our lives as we know we should.  If you were wearing a mask I dare you to take it off and from this day onward start being true to yourself.  Learn yourself, become comfortable with who you are and allow people to learn the real you.  Acknowledge the spiritual convictions in your soul and seek peace with God.  You have yourself to live with for the rest of your life. It is time for you to make yourself happy and satisfy your soul by meeting its spiritual requirements.

Saturday, August 1, 2015


We as God's children have the power to put a complete end to whatever vicious, demonic cycle that exist in our lives. The kingdom of darkness has no legal rights to invade our world once we've become Believers and walk in obedience to God's word. It does not matter what our parents, grand parents or forefathers did, we are a new creation in Christ and all the curses have been defeated. A vicious, demonic cycle can ONLY reoccur in our lives upon you and I giving the kingdom of darkness permission by us opening the door through our compromise with sin. Cycles are different from seasons and it is imperative that you know the difference. Cycles represents curses; the Israelites walked in a forty years cycle in the wilderness. Seasons are signs of times and shifts in our lives. Don't entertain a cycle believing that it is a season in your life. Know the difference between the two, for one is detrimental while the other is beneficial.

Thursday, July 16, 2015


If we focus on how society views  being alone we would esteem it as a problem. Many view being alone as being unloved, not special or insignificant and such is so far from the truth.  Your visions were received while you were alone.   Some of our deepest thoughts about life occurred while we were alone.  You and I were able to examine our lives and place a value upon ourselves while we were alone. Being alone does not mean that you are not loved. Sometimes being alone is because the individual is unable to love and appreciate you for the wonderful person you are. Rather than devaluing your life, causing emotional and mental havoc in your world, you were left alone to permit someone else to love, maintain, support and appreciate you.

Moses was alone before he became the deliverer for God's people. John the Baptist was alone in the wilderness and Jesus said that we could not find a greater prophet. Rosa Parks was alone when she stood against prejudice and racism and Martin Luther King was alone when he stood against the Catholic church.  The best visions, reformations and spiritual leaders were not birth as twins or triplets; they were born alone.  There is a special and significant reason for you being alone at this stage in your life.  I want you to know that it is not because you don't matter or because no body loves you; God is ensuring that the right people at the appointed time enter your world and become a part of your life.  

Have you ever purchased a gift for someone special? You did your best to find that specific gift that would convey to the recipient how you feel about him/her.  You also did your best to keep the gift as a secret until the appointed time.  This is exactly what God is doing in your life. He is preparing you as a gift for that special person and while so doing, He is keeping you as His secret  until the appointed time. There is a person who needs your friendship, there is a person who needs your advice, there is someone who really needs your love and devotion and there is also someone who need your skills to help solve a problem.  God is preparing you as His special gift to meet the needs so many and this is why you are alone. You are being prepared to be that SPECIAL PERSON for so many. Enjoy your alone time and allow patience to have her perfect work in you. You will be complete and wanting nothing. Love, friendship, marriage, church family and so much more awaits the completion of your alone time.  You are not alone after all because you are in the Potter's hands being prepared to be embraced by so many people who are waiting to encounter, receive, appreciate and love you. ALONE is good and also positive.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015


Are you one of those persons who come as one willing to help, willing to love and willing to befriend someone with selfish motives?  These types of relationships are formed daily and such have left the lives of so many in an emotional and mental mess.  Selfish is the last thought that such a person will have about himself/herself.  Hey...they helped in some sort of way so they are of the persuasion that the offended should be grateful.  

Too often people attached themselves to others and do more harm than good.  So many lives have been wrecked by false friends, rebound relationships whereby people have used others just to overcome their former mate and some get jobs just to get out of a financial rut.  This attitude is selfish in the utmost meaning of the word.  The person who became attached to their relationship with you now have to struggle with filling the void after you've left. The company that thought it had hired help now find themselves back to the drawing board seeking a suitable employee. During this time their  work is delayed and backed up; you having quit because you got what you came for - extra funds. Your selfish conduct has caused a set back in the company. Sadly for the person who was used by you because you wanted to emotionally overcome someone else whom you were involved with...shame on you.  WRECKAGE

While it appears to be very mean to forewarn someone about you, it is very difficult not to because forewarning is not an attempt to defame your character but rather to protect the potential victim. Many people just move on from one relationship to another wrecking lives. Many people move on from on job to another causing set backs in companies. There are numerous of people who have absolutely no idea of the meaning of friendship; these are the worse type of people to ever let into your world. They will wreck your life mentally and emotionally and thereafter wonder what is your problem.  Some of you know exactly what I am talking about. You be like, "Get it over it!"

King Solomon advised that we guard our hearts with all diligence for from it flow the issues of life. Carelessly we have permitted that person with a friendly smile or willingness to help to cause more harm than good in our lives and more set backs than progress.  Are you guilty of being one of those persons who wreck lives, move on and act as if it was no BIG deal?  How many broken relationships have you had, severed friendships and jobs you quit?  Upon examining your life what have you discovered about yourself?  Are you guilty of wrecking the lives of many?  WRECKAGE... lives that have been paralyzed by deceitful, selfish people whose thoughts does not exceed their personal gain, praise or comfort. Who are you and must someone BEWARE?

Friday, May 15, 2015


Whenever the female is sexually active, she is permitting the male to inject whatever he is into her.  The females emotions, thoughts and direction are subject to change thereafter.  This is why so much emphasis in the bible is placed on the female being chaste.  It prevents the male from having to struggle with whatever was injected into the female by her previous mate/mates. Whenever we as females compromise ourselves sexually we are agreeing to allow the male to rob us of our self worth and dignity.

Most definitely the adult female is at the legal age to be sexually involved, but many are  not wise enough to abstain.  It is important for you to come to the complete understanding that as a female you carry whatever the male injects into you. In relation to sex, your legal age of maturity is insignificant.  Life is not about living it in age stages but in wisdom and understanding  your purpose.  Recall the reason why the female was created.  She is the male’s helpmate.  Her purpose is not freedom to roam.  Where are you mentally?  Are you still emotionally immature?  Having sex in the absence of  marriage does not make you a woman or an adult it makes you a fornicator.  Having sex with a married man does not make you  a better wife than his spouse, it makes you an adulterer and a seductress.  

Monday, April 27, 2015


I thought about the thousands of people who are struggling with unnatural sexual desires for the same sex or for both genders and how they were treated by the Church.  Too often I have heard messages of condemnation coming from the pulpit towards persons who have emotional and sexual struggles.

I do not support the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Group. However, I sincerely believe that there are thousands of people within this group, whether openly or secretly, who would love to come out and live a normal life.

The contents of this book is not condemning the LGBT, neither is it attacking persons who were or are a part of the LGBT.  The purpose of this book is to enlighten those victims  on how they were spiritually attacked and mocked by Satan by depositing  unnatural sexual desires in their souls. The contents of this book will assist people in coming out of the LGBT,  overcoming their unnatural sexual desires and enabling them to move forward and toward living a normal life in the Church and in their society.

The Church published numerous of books under a variety of genres, sadly this particular struggle has been dealt with poorly.  I was chosen by God not to accept or approve of the LGBT, but to  spiritually edify members of this group so that they can be free to live their lives in Christ and in accordance to Elohim's divine will for them.  I took the step forward to end the condemnation from the Church and to provide assistance to those who want and desire to put an end to the mockery of their lives.

Book will be ready for purchasing on 13th May, 2015. Price $30.00.  You can pre-order this book at

Monday, April 20, 2015

Seeking God's Help (VAIN - The Foundation of Emptiness)

 Though I walk in the midst of trouble, thou wilt revive me: thou shalt stretch forth thine hand against the wrath of mine enemies, and thy right hand shall save me” – Psalm 138:7 (KJV).  

Where is your hope?  When you are being spiritually attacked by the enemy, where do you look for help?  We have a tendency to seek the help, the prayers  and comforts of man rather than taking our problems to the Lord.  When our souls are troubled with the issues of this life it is the help of the Lord we must seek.  We must come to the complete understanding that the hand of man is subject to fail us.  The Psalmist David said, ”…thou shalt stretch forth thine hand against the wrath of mine enemies, and thy right hand shall save me.” Who can you depend on to come to your rescue in such a manner?  The law have failed mankind, the medical system have failed mankind, family and friends have failed and likewise spouses.  David said that the Lord will stretch forth His hand and also save him by His right hand.  I want you to know that the hands of man will surely fail!

Vain means useless, empty, without purpose.  What could be the reason for you and I seeking assistance from another man? Truly we are all subject to be overtaken and overwhelmed with the issues of life.  Seeking help from man as it relates to problems, our enemies or our struggles in life is vain, for man is likewise subject to the same.  We all have struggles, we all have enemies, we all at some point in our lives succumb to our weaknesses. When this happens, because we realize that no man is exempted from such issues, we should seek the Lord’s help.

Copyright by Pro Type. An Excerpt from VAIN - The Foundation of Emptiness.  Available at and and Pro Type's online store:!online-store/cget/!/SELF-HELP-&-MOTIVATIONAL/c/12503692/offset=0&sort=normal

Saturday, April 18, 2015


SOON TO BE PUBLISHED.  Here is a preview of the book. Copyright by Pro Type.

Marriage is not a man-made covenant, it never was and never shall be. The marriage covenant was enacted by God before the fall of Man. There was no need for us as the Church to fight the laws of the land. Our assignment is to fight spiritual wickedness in the realm of the spirit and rulers of the kingdom of darkness who are influencing and deceiving our government. We chose the wrong battle; therefore the war between the LGBT was intensified and their hearts were even more harden toward the truth and the Church. 

My desire first of all is for persons of the LGBT to forgive us as the Church for our lack of love towards them. We have failed. Jesus never exposed the woman who was caught in adultery, neither did He magnify her sin or scandalized her name. We, as the Church are guilty of all of the aforesaid acts and should seek forgiveness both from persons of the LGBT, members of our church, neighbors, co-workers and also from Almighty God. Our assignment is to love every man equally. For God so loved the fornicator and not the lesbian… For God so loved the husband who already had three wives and not the gay man… For God so loved the mother of three children for three different men but not the bisexual… No! “For God so loved the world, everybody with all of their sins, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” – John 3:16. 

How did God give His only begotten Son? He gave Him up as a living sacrifice, whipped beyond recognition, spat on, slapped, scorned and mocked, pierced in His side with a spear, hung on an ugly cross between two criminals in excruciating heat, ridged nails in His hands and feet and a thorn of crowns on His head and you want to have the audacity to not love anyone from the LGBT. If this was not good enough for them to be saved, delivered and set free from their unnatural desires and deception, please tell me what will be enough for them? 

The precious blood of Jesus cries out to the worse of offenders for the salvation of their souls and this includes every member of the LGBT who wants to be delivered. The problem is that the average Church is not ready for members of the LGBT to enter their doors for deliverance and the salvation of their souls. There is a very small number who is willing to minister unto the LGBT for the salvation of their souls in love. Have we so quickly forgotten, “…without the shedding of blood is no remission.”- Hebrews 9:22? We all need His blood and I know that as the Church we sincerely believe that the blood of Jesus Christ will never, ever lose its power. It is able to deliver and cleanse the vilest of offenders and this is why we, as the Church should become perfect in our love towards others

Friday, April 17, 2015

What Spirit Was It?

What so many ministries are calling a move of the Holy Spirit is so far from the character of the Holy Spirit as recorded in the bile. The church has repeatedly failed to try that spirit that they are so easily, without any hesitation availing their souls unto - DEMONS. After you've received what you believe to be the anointed Holy Spirit of Almighty God, what really changed about your life? If all you did was speak in tongues and still had unforgiveness, lied, fornicated or practiced some other sinful lifestyle, what did you really receive? Don't misunderstand me... the Holy Spirit is real and exists in the lives of many people today, but did you receive the third person of the God-head or another imitative spirit? Did you try that spirit before you availed yourself to receive what was being offered. There is indeed a spirit moving in the body of Christ and in many ministries, however it is not the Spirit of the Most High God. Try them all for this is the season whereby the antichrist is on a rapid move in the body of Christ

Friday, March 27, 2015


It is so sad when the Spirit of the Lord has moved upon the hearts of men to financially be a blessing and they become more focused on the person than the instructions of the Lord, more focused on the sacrifice than the blessings to be received, more focused on the amount than the affect on the person's life and most importantly more focused on pleasing their selfish desires than pleasing God. One day as the children of the Most High God we will learn how to freely give and trust that Almighty God would bless us more abundantly beyond our imagination in return. First we must die unto our selfish, conceited desires. Our failure to give when unction by the Holy Spirit has contributed to many losing their hope in God; this is what happens when we put more value on money than on that particular soul.

You will be surprised how great a blessing  that $5.00, $50.00 or $200.00 would have been to that person's life.  Not everyone wear their problems on their sleeves.  What you see is not always what it really is.  Too often we want to judge people from the natural when God is instructing us to do something spiritual for them.  It is none of our business what the person, family or marriage is going through. All you need to know is that God chose you to be a blessings, that agent of breakthrough and that representative of His Kingdom to remind His dear child/children that He never fails.  But guess what, because of our disobedience we sometimes make God look like a failure because we didn't give when instructed to do so.  So often blessings are delayed not because of God but because of YOU and I; we simply obey when we feel like. We call when we feel like, pray when we feel like, give when we feel like and sometimes simply don't do it at all because we don't feel like so doing. Selfish and disobedient children of God hurts the heart of God and misrepresents His lovingkindness towards His children in need.  

Let us cease from causing so many to lose their hope in God because we have our hope, security and trust in our money. Learn to freely give, practice giving when God tells you to and unto whom He told you to give and also in the amount He told you to give.  Never think that it is too much for that person. It is none of your business why God want them to have that amount. The only thing that should concern you and also me is how quickly we can give, call, pray, visit or do whatever God requires of us to reach that soul in need.   

Thursday, March 26, 2015

VAIN - The Foundation of Emptiness

Are you one of those persons who have been a Christian for years and awaiting that awesome experience of God?  You have read in the bible about how the Spirit of God moved upon so many people healing, delivering and blessing their lives.  What about you?  When will you have this awesome experience?  Testimony after testimony of deliverance, financial blessings, persons seeing angels, having visions and feeling the warm, soothing and comforting presence of God - these you have all heard.  

Maybe you might be just like how I was wondering what are you doing wrong.  Have you ever asked yourself the question, "Why not me" or "Why is God taking so long"?  To be honest with you  I have found the answer.  It is not our heavenly Father who is taking long. The truth is we are doing so many things wrong which prevents us from having those spiritual experiences which our souls long for. We pray traditionally, worship with emotions, ponder on useless, empty thoughts, speak so many things against ourselves, work as slaves without a goal or significant purpose, etc.  Most of the times that emptiness that is present in our souls is not because God has delayed our blessings.  It is because we use so many things as an attempt to fill that emptiness in our souls that continuously make us feel incomplete.  

I have some good news for you.  After examining the many avenues that creates this emptiness in our lives I wrote a book to help others overcome as I did.  You don't have to sit and listen to another joyous testimony about how God moved in another person's life and hope that one day you can have a similar testimony.  You don't have to resort to so many things, do so many things as your attempt to fill the void in your life.  The solution to your problem, the remedy for your EMPTINESS is all wrapped up in this book - VAIN - The Foundation of Emptiness.  The question now is this, "How much longer do you want to be empty?"

Available at in ebook and also at!online-store/cget/!/VAIN-The-Foundation-of-Emptiness/p/48164267/category=12503685  Put an end to your EMPTINESS today!

Friday, March 20, 2015

Perfect Timing (Excerpt from Connecting With God - Devotional For Spouses)

Ecclesiastes 3:1, 7 – To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven: A time to tear and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak. 

We become so adjusted to our daily activities, it contributes to change often taking us by surprise. King Solomon said that there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven.  Nothing remains the same forever.  Just as Spring gives way to Summer and Autumn gives way to Winter, we must likewise welcome the shift of seasons in our marriages. 

There will be times when you and your spouse will be doing almost everything together, and after a while it changes.  This shift is not because either of you lack interest in the other; it is simply because our lives consist of seasons.  The same applies to your chats throughout the day. Your spouse became accustomed to your text messages, conversations on your way to work, pillow talk at night and then there was silence.  Someone became too busy to send or respond to text messages, too preoccupied to chat during your drive to work or too exhausted for pillow talk. 

Your marriage isn’t failing. Learn that there is a time for every purpose under heaven. Don’t let the enemy bombard your mind with negative thoughts.  Everything will be alright, the season for working together in unity will eventually return and likewise the time for your good chats throughout the day.  Trust God, trust your spouse and continue to have hope in your marriage because everything has its perfect timing.


Jesus help me not to be anxious for anything and  to learn how to  be content in my marriage.  Guard my thoughts and emotions from thinking negatively and enable me and my spouse to continue to trust each other when change occurs.  During those times when my spouse is not available for our usual activities, Jesus draw me close to You so that I can spend quality time with You in worship. Amen. 
Copyright by Pro Type and available in ebook form at and Pro Type Online Store -!online-store/cget/!/MARRIAGE/c/12503673/offset=0&sort=normal 

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

You Can Find It Here!

Are you looking for a great book to read?  Pro Type has recently opened its webstore carrying books about marriage, self-help, motivational and inspirational and also some short reads for the on-the-go person.

Check out our webstore and search the categories to see what we have available for you. Need that special book for your spouse to keep the fire burning in your marriage?  Connecting With God-Devotional For Spouses is your book.  Are you struggling with forgiving that person who offended you?  A Forgiving Heart was written to help you cleanse your heart and mind from that painful experience.  What about Fasting? Yes Fasting.  If you want better results we have a great book on this topic to assist you with obtaining the blessings and benefits from this spiritual sacrifice.

Pro Type offers Tanya E. Munroe's books at reasonable prices and the website also provides encouraging blogs, book previews, advertising and editing services for upcoming authors.  We are here to sell you that next book that you was looking for to add to your library.  Don't just say to yourself that you should start reading a book, let Pro Type help you get started.  We are just one click away.!online-store/cget

Monday, March 2, 2015


Surprisingly so many people are not aware of how this demonic spirit operates.  Too often we take what we see, what we hear and what we experience in our lives for granted.  Rejection can start from within the womb and it is activated by the power that dwells within our tongue; that little member that kindles a fiery fire.
Some of you have been born into hardship.  All you have encountered during your lifetime were closed doors, denied opportunities and depreciation of your self-worth. You’ve done it all, tried it all, learnt it all and still were unable to experience success in your life.  You’ve searched yourself within and without, examined your circle of friends, your mindset and attitude and after improving these areas in your life, you still found yourself wanting. 

Weary, frustrated and ready to quit because nothing worked, not even praying to Elohim, God. You are probably thinking, ‘these are the breaks’.  This is exactly what the spirit of rejection wants you to believe and also want to accomplish in your life.  It wants you to quit, it wants you to devalue yourself and most importantly rejection wants you to become and feel and live a hopeless life.  

Copyright by Pro Type. 

Book available on Thursday, 5th March, 2015 in paperback and kindle at

Friday, February 27, 2015

Why Did I Get Married? Excerpt from Broken But Not Destroyed.

‘I was so stupid.’ ‘How could I be so blind?’  ‘I should have seen this coming. Gee! All the signs were right there before me.’  ‘I should have known, look at his dysfunctional  family.’  ‘I married her too soon.’  These and the like are not the reasons why you are experiencing marital problems.

For many, the signs they saw before marriage did not manifest in marriage.  So many persons came from dysfunctional homes who established exemplary families, with very good spiritual and moral standards.  Most of us can identify with these words, ‘I should have seen this coming!’ Sad to say but we would never see so far ahead.  Tomorrow will always take care of itself.  One day at a time and in spite of our plans, we have little to no control over what tomorrow brings.

You were not stupid for getting married and neither were you blind.  Most of us who got married did so because we felt deep down within ourselves that it was going to work and it was going to last.  We wanted our marriages to last.  We needed our marriages to last.  Remember, we made a public announcement, ‘I’ve finally found him’ or ‘I’ve  finally found her’ and we believed we did.  We weren’t too young, too simple or too anxious.  We knew how we felt, we knew what we wanted and we had plans.  Most importantly we had faith in ourselves and in each other that we could do this—and we did it!

Thursday, February 5, 2015


(An excerpt from Moving Beyond Rejection) Copyright by Pro Type


He left me for the one who was before
He left me because she was offering him more
I gave him my heart
I gave him my life
Yet Leah and I had continuous strife

Jacob, my love, come and lay with me
My soul is crying out  for you
Can’t you hear me
I am alone in my tent waiting for you
I am sad, I feel empty, I feel so blue
Laughter I can hear from the tent next door
I have tried so hard, yet I am unable to give
You more

God have You forgotten to open up my womb
Leah has my lover, my husband and a
Happy home
I can’t bear the pain of this emptiness that
I now feel
Jacob is in Leah’s tent although I know his
Love for me is real

He has left me once again to go to Leah’s tent
Happily Jacob leaves me, as if he was sent
Empty and alone, my heart aches within
My jealousy is so strong, it is an unwanted sin

Rejection has attacked my heart
My mind and my soul
My anger toward Jacob, I can no longer withhold
“Give me children or else I  die!”
Words I said to Jacob because it was my soul’s cry
Years lived in sorrow because Jacob was deceived
Then God finally remembered me
And Joseph I conceived.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

How Is Your Marriage?

Conform—to take the form of; to adapt.  What is marriage according to the world?  It is something legal.  It is a man and a woman as a couple.  What is marriage according to the world? It is two individuals in a legal contract.  We are not to adopt this mindset.  Marriage is not to lose its spiritual significance and conform to the legalities of this world. Be not conformed to this world but be transformed... 

Transformed—to be changed in form.  Have you not read…….?  Have you not read that they are no longer two but one flesh?  They have been transformed and this transformation was executed by Elohim, God.  They  are no longer a couple  but an individual.  And Adam said- “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. She shall be called woman because she was taken out of man” - Genesis 2:23.

We got married but most of us did not change the way we think.  We continued to see ourselves as individuals yet married.  This mindset is pleasing to Satan but totally  unpleasant unto Elohim, God.  What is the good and  acceptable and perfect will of God?  And there shall no longer be two, but one flesh, one body, one soul—unity.  What is the device or weapon that Satan uses? Individualism in marriage.  I do me first, because once I get myself straight then I can care for my spouse.  Oh! This sounds so good, so pleasing, so self gratifying and satisfying to your flesh and your mind, but it is not Elohim God’s good and perfect and acceptable will.

When you and I begin to think like this we have been  deceived.  Our minds have not been renewed and our marriages are experiencing deterioration because we still live our lives as being separate from our spouses.  This is brokenness in our marriage covenants because there is no separation in marriage, save and except for the purpose of healing, and for reconciliation as stated in 1 Corinthians 7:10, 11 - “Now to the married I command, yet not I but the Lord: A wife is not to depart from her husband.  But if she does depart, let her remain unmarried or be reconciled to her husband.  And the husband is not to divorce his wife.”

(An excerpt from Broken But Not Destroyed - Copyright by Pro Type)
Book available at in both paperback and kindle. 

Sunday, February 1, 2015

WOMAN an excerpt from Definition By Character

Most females will not dare themselves to discover who they are by their characteristics.  Once most women are able to care and provide for themselves, all else becomes irrelevant. Deception.  All else is relevant.  As a woman, are you willing to allow a man to plant his love, his ideas, his knowledge and all that he is into your womb for germination?  Say what?  Where are you going with that deep question?  Right at you! Fix your face! Remember what the word 'womb' means.  It is a place for germination. 

It was a curse in the days of the bible for a woman not to be able to bear children. Women then were of the complete understanding that bearing children defined their title and failure to do so made them  not a good wife to their husbands.  The primary purpose of the man marrying is first and foremost for the woman to bear his children.  “Blessed is the man who has his cradle full.”   Wow! Nowadays women want to go to the pet shop with their husbands and pick out a Chihuahua dog and name him Butch.  Happy little family with the empty cradle. 

The world has become so independent of the Word of God. People are redefining themselves by their own efforts.  Family is no longer a husband, wife and children.  Most families  now  consist of  the married  man who left his wife and children, and is now taking care of another man's household.  Better yet, as I stated earlier, children are being replaced with pets.  Women no longer want to bear children.  Women no longer want to submit to leadership outside their work environment.  Women want to be treated equally with men in every facet of life.  Women deserve equal respect, but let us be real, it is not the plan of God to be equal in leadership.  If you see yourself as one being equal to a man, you have already  defied the order of God.  When God created the first woman he made her subject to the man and dependent upon him for provisions, guidance and instructions. Man was and still is and ever shall be the head of a woman (If only some of them knew how to be it!).

Copyright by Pro Type. Available at in paperback and kindle. 

Thursday, January 22, 2015


 Judges 16:18 – When Delilah saw that he had told her all his heart, she went and called for the lords of the Philistines, saying, “Come up once more, for he has told me all his heart.”

You should never be more comfortable sharing your heart with any woman other than your wife. This is a clear indication that something is seriously wrong in your marriage.  Your heart belongs to Elohim, God and to your wife.  It is treason for you to share your heart with any other woman, and this includes your mother.  The contents of your heart are the desires of your soul. Once shared with the wrong person, they can destroy you; because you have given them the ability to weaken you. God did not give you and a stranger dominion, He gave you and your wife dominion in the earth.

It is an insult to share a bed with a woman whom you cannot trust.  Learn to trust your wife, she is your helpmate and no other woman should be permitted to serve you in such capacity. Your wife is bone of your bones and flesh of your flesh and likewise she deserves to be entrusted with your heart. You weaken yourself when you share your heart with any other than Almighty God and your wife.  With these two, you have dominion in the earth and without them you are weak and vulnerable.


            Heavenly Father I am now learning how to properly protect my heart and my marriage.  So often I have been deceived into believing that I can better communicate with other people than my wife.  Forgive me for denying my wife the opportunity to support me and to be my helpmate.  I repent of dishonoring my wife and I ask You to restore a healthy communication in my  marriage.  Deliver me from becoming a prey to others by sharing my heart. Let Your Spirit guide me toward my helper, my wife, my spouse and the one whom You have given unto me to share all of my heart.  Amen. 

Copyright by Pro Type. An excerpt from Connecting With God - Devotional For Spouses. Available at in paperback and kindle. 

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

The Heart and Mind of the Victim

Jesus did not only pray for Elohim, God to forgive His offenders but further realized and also sincerely stated the reason why He wanted God to acquit them of their wrong doings.  Jesus said, “they do not know what they've done.”  He didn't focus on His pain, neither did Jesus focus on the shame He suffered, their ridicule and mockery of Him, the grave injustice towards Him or the abandonment by His disciples.  He did not go into detail with the events of His sufferings.  It is this mind and this heart we must endeavor to possess as victims.  This is the reason why whenever we find ourselves in the victim position, not to permit the root of bitterness to enter our hearts.  This evil passion of bitterness, of anger, of revenge will prevent us from possessing the heart and mind of Christ. “In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus” Philippians 2:5 - New International Version (NIV). Therefore our challenge and our goal as victims will be to forgive our offenders and also pray unto our heavenly Father to likewise forgive them.  This is a forgiving heart. 

Copyright by Pro Type.  An excerpt from A Forgiving Heart. Book available at in both paperback and kindle.


Sunday, January 18, 2015

Vain Pursuits

We were created to incorporate Elohim in everything that we do, every thought, every imagination and every desire. Our lives begin when we plug into God, the source of life. The fulfillment which we so yearn to experience is not found in the things that we can obtain, the goals we can accomplish or the relationships we can establish.   Our emptiness, our voids, that nothingness that lingers is removed or filled when we seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness.  (Excerpt from VAIN - The Foundation of Emptiness) Copyright by Pro Type.