Saturday, December 13, 2014

LEARNING TO OVERCOME - from A Forgiving Heart

Why haven't we overcome as yet?  We have failed to overcome because we refuse to release our offenders and ourselves from our negative experiences.  Overcoming our pain and shame is as challenging as it is for you and I to have a forgiving heart. We must realize that we don't need to have it all together.  It is alright for us to make mistakes.  It is alright for us to experience hurt every now and then, it is nothing more than a manifestation of the level of emotions connected.  It is alright to experience some shame, this manifests where we've placed our securities.  I want you to know that there is a much better thing for us to do.  The best thing that you and I can do is tear down those idols of ourselves which we've erected and become humble.  He is Almighty God, yet He chose to live His life as the Son of man.  He existed in glory, yet our Lord decided to dwell in a place of poverty and sin.  He is Lord of all lords and  yet Jesus lived His life as a man of instructions.  Jesus made Himself of no reputation and He learnt obedience by the things He suffered. Hebrews 5:8 - "Though He was a Son, yet He learned obedience by the things which He suffered" (NKJV).  This is what you and I must do. We must learn obedience by the things we suffer.  This obedience includes the act of forgiveness. 

We must discontinue our selfish acts of holding our offenders hostage and thereafter become obedient to that which is required of us by our heavenly Father.  God's desire is for you and I to forgive.  We need to practice forgiveness and it is very important that we possess forgiving hearts.  The pain and the shame will be as effective as we allow it to be. Can we honestly forgive people and ourselves?  We must decide how long we want to carry our emotional baggage because the key to overcoming our pain and shame is having a forgiving heart.  We must free ourselves and also our offenders.  This is true victory and the proper way of moving forward. 

Excerpt from A Forgiving Heart. All Rights Reserved.  Copyright by Pro Type. Book available on Amazon ISBN 9781494808754. Author: Tanya E. Munroe. 

Sunday, November 16, 2014

REVELATION by Tanya E. Munroe

It was all smiles, hey we've finally met
I told you basic stuff about myself
You did the same
Telephone contacts and addresses exchanged
And off we went to become acquaintances

Wow! This is great, I think I've found a friend
Hours chatting on the phone and online
Lunch dates, social outings to events
We were learning each other
At least this what we both thought

As time progressed we referred to each
other as FRIEND
But were we really friends?
There was so much we didn't like
about each other
Rather than getting closer we erected walls
Time began to reveal something beyond our words
It revealed who we really are

The smiles became fake
The conversations were meaningless
The motives were impure
The time spent together was not fellowship
but rather tolerance
The impurities of the heart were manifested
through actions
There was a revelation

We were not friends
We weren't enemies either
We were just two people who crossed each
other's path for a season and also for a reason
That reason and purpose was fulfilled
There is no need to continue beyond this point
Because such was only a burden on us both
The assignment was completed

Did I change?
I hope I did because my passion is to evolve
into becoming a better person  day by day
Did you change?
Maybe not, I am not sure
I do know that I finally learnt the
the real YOU
It was a revelation

Now what must I do?
I take this revelation of who you are
and guard my heart
I take this revelation of how you've
been treating me and I guard my life
I take this revelation of your motives
and I guard my future
I take this revelation of what you represent
and I guard my relationship with God
You were in my life only for a purpose
The apocalypse has taken place
Now I know why we have met

(This poem is copyright  by Pro Type and written by Tanya E. Munroe)

We must learn that not everyone who come into our lives are for a long period of time.  Some people only come to help us get out of the rut, others come to teach us something that we need to know for that particular time. We must cease from being so clingy and learn the purpose of the individual and thereafter release them.  Not everyone we meet is a potential friend, a potential spouse, business partner, prayer partner etc.  Sometimes we deposit into the lives of others and other times people are depositing into ours and this was the reason for meeting...nothing more.  We must learn how to fulfill the purpose and move on.  

A kind act does not mean friendship.  A welcoming smile does not mean friendship. Receiving financial assistance or a listening ear does not mean friendship.  God sends people to help us in our time of need, this does not mean that they are in our lives on a long term basis.  The same applies to you and I, we are likewise sent to assist and thereafter must learn to move on.  We become too attached to people and fail to move on.  

The above captioned poem was an inspiration after meditating on the volume of people who came into my life and the effect they had.  Not everyone was intended to be my friend, that was a description I gave them.  It was not God's intention for them to be in my life for a long time, that was my desire. What God wants is the goal attained, the assignment completed and the purpose fulfilled for His glory.  This is the revelation I received by the Spirit of God and I must say that it is life changing toward maturity and wisdom. 

Thursday, November 6, 2014


Have your realized somethings about your life and some people who are in your life that you can no longer accommodate? Nothing negative about them or whatever it was that you were doing or entertaining - I am referring to a shift in season.  Many of us don't realize when our shift is on. Seriously, we miss it!  We were almost there and guess what happened to prevent us from experiencing the shift in our lives - FAMILIARITY. 

The familiar face, the familiar feeling or anything familiar in your life that was attached to your soul begins to draw you backwards.   I need you to realize the importance of completing your transition process toward the next level in your life or your next assignment.  Read what the Apostle Paul said, "Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus" - Philippians 3:13, 14. 

There comes a time in each person's life when there is a shift and this shift is not automatic. It is an opportunity for the individual to thrust himself/herself toward a higher level.  There are three key phrases in Paul's statement.  For you and I to be able to embrace the shift in our lives we must:

1- Realize that we are yet to apprehend.  We are not there, God is not finished with us yet and regardless of the ground covered, tests completed, trials overcame, we are still in the hands of the Potter.  One more point - none of us knows it all. We are all still in the classroom learning. 

2.  We must  forget and release ourselves.  Some attitudes and mindsets MUST change. Everything must shift. There are some trees that can tell us that a shift in season has occurred because it begins to shed its leaves. When it is autumn season trees begin to shed and at the peak of this season some trees are completely without leaves.  We must have this same kind of mindset and attitude towards our shift in life. For some of us we are going into our next season friendless, without anything familiar.  You must be willing to release yourself and forget your former life, not because it was something negative but more because it is something needed. 

3.  You must move forward and upward.  It is not you and your friend's shift. It may not be you and your spouse's shift. It is your shift in life.  You - solo, alone, by it!  Paul said that he had to reach forward to those things which are ahead.  He had to move himself away from familiarity and embrace with effort and strength those things which were ahead of him.  This can only be accomplished when you begin to drop leaves like the tree.  The only way you are going to free yourself from the mediocre and mundane things in life is for you to release yourself from them and press forward.   No one can do this for you - you must embrace your shift. 

So many people were almost there...the next level was right before them but they failed to press toward it. They permitted those things which were behind to hinder their progress.  For something to be behind you means that you were already in the process of leaving.  Remember Lot's wife my dear reader.  She was on her way from Sodom and Gomorrah but she never made it to her destiny.  Some friends are seasonal, jobs are seasonal, places where we reside are also seasonal. Our lives are full of seasons - the purpose of seasons is for you and I to be able to discern the time in which we live; personally.  I am not referring to summer, winter, autumn and spring. I am referring to when a shift is occurring and we need to make the proper decisions to embrace what is ahead of us. 

It is time for you to stop ALMOST being able to obtain, ALMOST being able to complete,ALMOST being able to leave, ALMOST be able to execute, ALMOST being able and release yourself from familiarity and thrust yourself toward your destiny.  Is your shift on? Remember Lot's wife!

Saturday, October 18, 2014


A few weeks ago while walking in my back yard, I noticed this long scaly skin at the side of my concrete steps.  It was the old skin of a snake.  At first I had an uncomfortable feeling of a snake being in my yard especially after staring at the length of its old skin.  Shortly thereafter the Holy Spirit comforted me.

It was an unusual comfort because no one in their right mind with children who play in their backyards would find any comfort in discovering the old skin of a snake at their steps.  I picked it up with a stick and spread it out so I can learn of its full length.  It was a good size, big enough to cause fear for any person who is afraid of snakes.  

After discovering its size I sat on my steps and the Holy Spirit began to comfort and minster unto me. He told me that the snake needed something rough to enable it to shed its old skin. I also learnt that it was of grave importance for the old skin to be shed because the snake was carrying around dead weight.  Wow! What an eye opener.  While I thought God had forgotten all about me because  my deliverance appeared to be delayed, He was there all the time.

My diversity of trials were rough, but they were also for my good.  I could not shed the old me without the presence of some rough times in my life.  Those difficult and challenging days were needed so the new me can come forth.  There were days when I thought I could not endure another trial, or another set back.  There were also  days when I was extremely frustrated with God, and very angry as well.  After understanding why the snake was in my yard, I began to appreciate those rough days in my life.  They have been very rough but they have also been extremely beneficial for me.   Next time you experience some rough days just remember that they are only there to enable you to shed the old man and bring you into your newness of life in Christ Jesus.  Rough days are like the snake that visited my back yard, they are only there to ensure that the newness comes forth and the dead, useless part of our lives are left behind.  I didn't see the snake but I can attest to it having experienced a change for the better.  Welcome your rough days and welcome your change.  It is rough, but it is good!

Thursday, September 4, 2014


I am sure that you find it so amazing how people will expect you to trust them as if they have  never offended you, after so doing.  They might truly be sorry and  a reasonable explanation might have been given for their betrayal, but so often the effects of broken trust is not acknowledged.  If the words, "I'm sorry" could immediately thereafter heal brokenness and emotional hurt, what a peaceful and more loving world we would have.  Unfortunately the words, "I'm sorry" do not so quickly heal the pain and mend broken relationships.  It takes time; healing is a process not a miracle.

When you and I  lived so many years practicing sin, loving the pleasures of this world, and dishonoring our heavenly Father, we have broken His trust in us to live pleasing lives unto Him.  After apologizing unto God through repentance, we don't so quickly break those sinful habits.  We find ourselves having to learn how to TRUST God because we have trusted everyone and everything else but Him. 

How many times have we said, "I'm sorry" to God after fornicating and thereafter did it several times more? How many times have we felt sorry and repented about our deceitfulness and continued to be deceptive unto our fellowman?  How many times have we knowingly sinned by choice, felt guilty thereafter, repented and then did it again and again?  After all of this we are entrusted with the breath of life to once again be afforded the opportunity to prove to God that we are worthy of His blessings, His love, His grace, and most importantly the sacrifice of His only begotten Son.  

There is only ONE way for you and I to prove that we are trustworthy unto God.   We must love the Lord our God with all of our heart, our mind, our soul and our strength and we must also love our neighbour as ourselves.  Can God trust you with the gift of life that you are embracing today? Are you really sorry about your sins? The repentance prayer as your apology unto God means nothing if you refuse to change.  The words, "I'm sorry" likewise means nothing if you refuse to amend your ways.  Trust is not restored by the words, "I'm sorry", it is restored by a positive, sincere change in conduct. 

Friday, August 22, 2014


Often times I sit in my bed looking through my window watching the lives of the people in my new neighborhood.  I also watch the birds as they feast on the debris of food scattered along the street and sidewalk.  I hear the noise from the passing of a variety of vehicles as people journey towards work, school and various other places.

I have  come to realize that in the same manner that I am watching the people and the birds in my neighborhood, Satan is also watching, seeking whom he may devour. Satan and his imps are likewise watching to see whose faith today they can disrupt and alter with seeds of doubt.  He is watching attentively for those who are distracted with the cares of this life to enable him to steal whatever blessings God has sent their way.

I want you to learn that not only is Satan watching but Elohim is also watching. He is observing our actions in each day that we live. He is observing how we treat our fellowman.  God is watching us, observing how we react when under pressure or being tempted by the enemy of our souls.  He is watching to see, if once again we will deny His lordship to please others or deny Him  glory  for us to be accepted by someone whose relationship we have placed a greater value upon.

As I look through my window and observe the people in my neighborhood and birds feasting on the debris of food, I realize that we are likewise being watched.  Satan is watching us, he is observing how we likewise feast on his lies, embrace his temptations and deny our God, Elohim.  Our heavenly Father is watching, He is observing how we start each day, whether with prayer and praise or with complaints and ungratefulness. Elohim is watching, He is observing how we feast on His acts of kindness and love towards us and His holy word.  Know today that there three groups  observing your life daily.  One - God and His heavenly host, two - Satan and the kingdom of darkness and three - the people around you on a daily basis.  What are you displaying?

Sunday, August 3, 2014


From a very young age parents will ask their children what they want to be when they grow up.  "Do you want to be a mechanic like your daddy?" or "Do you want to run the family business?" such questions will be asked.  Truly as parents many of us would love for our children to continue in our careers, especially if such was gainful employment and one that was acknowledged as an accomplishment.

As Christians, how many of us would ask our children, "Would you like to be like Jesus when you grow up?" Sadly this is the farthest thought from our minds when it comes to the future of our children's lives. Who is Jesus and why should becoming like Him be viewed as a success?  Interesting question and probably one that should be addressed to yourself as a parent.  Did you ever desire to be like Jesus?  Probably this is not at the top of your list of goals to be achieved.

The first endeavor that we as Christians should instill in our children to accomplish is to be like Jesus. Upon such goal becoming a part of our future plans, it will be included in our proposal for our children's future plans.  However, I want you to note that it must first begin with us, then extended to our children.  We don't need another Michael Jordan, another Whitney Houston, another Tiger Woods, or any other worldly icon.  What we need to instill in our children is a desire to be like Jesus and to have such desire at the top of their list of future plans. What are you instilling  in your child's mind and who are you training your child to imitate?

Tuesday, July 15, 2014


Men are predestined by God to be leaders in their homes, community, work environment and in the church. Women were created by God and given unto men as a gift from God and a helpmate. Sadly most hurting women are suffering from the manner in which a man has treated her. Men please learn to love and use your gift from God appropriately and stop being abusive in your words, your conduct and in everything that concerns God's gift to you. Your salvation is an eternal gift from God and the  same should apply to your wife. The manner in which a man treats his wife is a open manifestation of the honor he has for Elohim, God. Your life will speak the truth about your relationship with God by the way you treat your wife.

Women the same applies to us, the difference is that men are to be loving, supportive and understanding.  Regardless of our accomplishments men must keep in mind that we are  the weaker vessels.  We must honor men as we honor God and men must realize how God relates to His church.  God does not dishonor His church, therefore men should not do anything to dishonor their wives.  The relationship with mankind commenced with God providing for the man, therefore the relationship between a man and woman should commence with a man providing for his potential wife.  We need to realize that our lives are sending a message to the world.  Our words "I love you" is most believed when demonstrated publicly without any form of intimacy.  It is more of what we do, than what we say, that demonstrates true love.  What is the message that you are sending to the world around you concerning how you feel about your wife?  What is the message that your wife is sending to the world around her concerning how you make her feel, her life's disposition and her mental and emotional state.  Whatever the message your wife is sending to the world, believe it or not, it  is a real reflection of YOU! Don't be deceived, people know who you really are by your wife's happiness or unhappiness, by her completeness of incompleteness... and your message is?


While working in my yard this morning I began to reflect on the men and women of God who had great faith.  I came to the realization that such greatness was not accomplished by their compromises, but rather by their great sacrifice. So many people want to encounter greatness within their comfort zones. After reading Hebrews 11 I realized that everyone listed therein made a great sacrifice to be included in this chapter. Maybe you are waiting on your greatness or probably you are hoping that you will be remembered for something of great significance after you die.  Upon examining your life, can you say without any hesitation that your lifestyle would qualify you to be added to Hebrews 11. 

Rahab  was included in this chapter because she was prepared to sacrifice her way of life which was prostitution, to relocate, serve another God and follow and trust a  people who were unknown to her.  Noah was included in this chapter because he believed in something that never occurred before which was rain and he preached about rain for years.  He built an ark according to the instructions of God and was willing to be esteemed as a fool for the salvation of his family.  What was rain? Noah had no explanation for it, he simply believed and trusted that rain will most certainly come, because God said it would. These two made great sacrifices to be included in Hebrews 11. Do you think that your life will qualify you to be included?

Abram believed the voice of a God whom he didn't know and was promised to be the father of many nations.  Because of his faith his name was changed to Abraham and through faith he offered up his son Isaac as a living sacrifice.  This was the child through whom God's promise was to be fulfilled.  Abraham didn't stagger at the promise, whatever God required to fulfill His word, Abraham knew it was in God's possession. The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof.  Can you sacrifice your son or your daughter unto God to qualify  yourself to be included in Hebrews 11?  Children  may go astray for a season, when this happens are you prepared to trust the spiritual foundation that you've laid in their lives?

Greatness is accomplished through great sacrifices.  It may require of you to relocate like Rahab, Abraham and Moses.  Greatness may require of you to offer your child like Abraham.  Greatness might require of you to do something that you cannot explain like Noah.  It may also require of you to separate yourself from all your family like Rehab and Abraham.  Greatness might require of you to see yourself beyond your limitations like Sarah and believe that God is able when everything concerning your life says that it is impossible.  Greatness is accomplished through you having great faith.  You may not be able to explain it,  you might not know where you're going, you may be clueless of why it happened, but all you need to know is that God said it, that He would do it, that there is no failure in Him and trust God to accomplish it in your life. Hebrews chapter 11 does not have to end at verse 40, this chapter can be continued with YOU! 

Sunday, June 15, 2014


So many people get lost along life's journey simply because they don't know who they are.  We have many who are wavering from one definition to another and this happens because many don't know who they are.  When they are with their friends they have to be something negative probably a drunkard, perverted, criminal, abusive or sensual.  When they are with their family they have to be childish and continue to not have a mind of their own, only execute the instructions of their elders. When they are with the opposite sex they are fornicators or adulterers.  When they are on their jobs they are slaves and do whatever they are told and even those things which are not a part of their job description... We have so many people who exist not knowing who they are and just existing to please everyone but themselves. They got lost along the way. 

These type of people are the worse to have as friends and as spouses.  They are unable to discover who they are, consequentially they are unable to share who they are.  How can you learn someone who does not know himself/herself?  They are still searching, hoping that someone can provide them a definition of themselves. How did this happen?  It happened when adult males failed to be husbands and fathers.  God's creative plan was for Adam, the earthly father to name and define everything including the female whom God created.  If Adam didn't call the female WOMAN, she would not have had a definition.  After she was deceived and they sinned, if Adam didn't name the woman EVE, she would not have had a name.  

Failed men, are likewise failed fathers who contribute to the many people we witness living their lives without an identity. Females are permitting males to define them as their sweethearts, males are permitting their friends to define them as criminals and drunkards, and the list goes on.  So many got lost along the way all because of a male who refused to evolve into a man, who likewise is unable to be a father.  The failed man doesn't have an identity therefore he is unable to define anything in his life or to place a proper value on it.  For the welder his torch is of great importance, for the contractor the plan is of great importance, for the Attorney the law is of grave importance, for the chef the ingredients is likewise of great importance, and finally for the father his wife and children are of grave importance.  If your wife and children are not on the top of your list and not a part of your identity, you have gotten lost along the way.  You exist without an identity and without a purpose.  The welder needs his torch, the contractor needs his plan to properly construct, the Attorney needs the law to properly represent his client, the chef needs his ingredients to prepare the proper dish/meal and a man needs his wife and children to be a father and a husband. Being the sweetheart is not your true identity, raising someone else's children while abandoning your own does not make you a father, and fitting into everyone else's world doesn't make you a man.... you've gotten lost along the way.  

A failed man is likewise a failed friend, a failed spouse and a failed father.  When we connect with such a person on an intimate level we likewise adapt to their mindset which is unstable.  They are still searching and because of this they contribute to emotional and mental instability in their children's lives, the life of their mate and likewise with their friends.  They change with the tide....they are searching and while so doing they are also hurting everyone who comes along their path.  They got lost along the way because their dad failed to father and define them and they are looking for someone to tell them who they are.  They will try everything and everyone until this question is answered and such attempts are made by both males and females...they got lost along the way.  Therefore before you celebrate Father's Day make sure that you are not one of those person's guilty of failing to define your wife and children and contributed to them being lost along the way.   

Friday, June 6, 2014

Don't Hold Your Breath

Today I took into consideration the many dreams I had along with the many prophetic statements made concerning my life.  Such have been transpiring for years with probably 5% manifestation.  I had no other recourse than to  also take into consideration the validity of my dreams and the prophetic words spoken by others.  My countenance fell for a moment and then I directed my focus elsewhere.  I took into consideration the many prophets in the bible who had visions and didn't live long enough to experience them or witness the manifestation of them.  

Moses never entered the promised land. Isaiah, the eagle eye prophet never saw the Messiah.  John the Baptist never witnessed one of Jesus' miracles and was denied the opportunity to hear Him teach.  Rachel never watched Joseph and Benjamin become men, Joseph, the Carpenter and Mary's husband died before Mary and Jesus, and the list goes on.  Should I hold my breath waiting for the manifestation of my dreams or the prophetic words spoken.  I refuse to turn blue and die from lack of oxygen.  I will not hold my breath because I have come to the realization that not every dream we have becomes reality and not every prophetic word spoken manifests in the natural realm prior to our death. 

Biblical records shows that prophecies will fail...  "...But whether there are prophecies, they will fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will vanish away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part." 1 Corinthians 13:8, 9 NKJV.  I am letting them all go and henceforth will practice living my life as if the words were never spoken and the dreams never happened.  I rather live than to hold my breath and die waiting for manifestations. 

Sunday, June 1, 2014


I woke up yesterday with this chorus on my mind, "I belong to You." That was all I  knew, no other words except for those.  I knew it was a song by William McDowell but I refused to listen to  it for the entire day.  I allowed it to dock within my mind. I provided a place within my soul, permitting this chorus to replay every so often.

I went to sleep and awoke the following morning at  approximately 5:30 with the very same song playing in my mind.  I got  my laptop and entered my study attempting to write another book, but all I kept hearing was those words, "I belong to You." I discontinued my typing because at this point I realized that my spiritual man was reaching out to its Creator, Elohim.

I had a moment of silence and during this time, God began to minister unto me.  He showed me in a few minutes  my life, all that I have given up for His glory.  He showed unto me my job, my marriage, my identity and all that He had required of me until my onlookers viewed me  from a different perspective.  He showed me the pain that I've suffered, the things I've offered unto Him, the people, including family whom I  have released for more of Him, the ridicule and the shame, the mockery and rejection, all of this God showed me in a short time.  Immediately thereafter I heard the chorus again, "I belong to You."

There was an unction by the Spirit of God  for me to search for the song on You Tube.  I found it along with the lyrics and after singing the first stanza, I understood the cry of my spiritual man.  Through it all, it was not that great of a loss, the shame and mockery minute, the rejection viewed as something needed and the separation as something required to establish intimacy with Him.  My spiritual man was ministering unto me, explaining to me that I went through it all because I fell in love with God and nothing else mattered.  I am so glad that I delayed in singing the song by William McDowell because now, I can sing it with the understanding, for truly I belong to God.  I don't belong to my mother and father, I don't belong to an employer, I don't belong to my spouse, I don't belong to my spiritual following, I belong to God.  With understanding I sing this song

Monday, May 12, 2014


Thursday, May 8, 2014


So what if he doesn't love you! No BIG deal but rather a position for a GREAT blessing. Jacob didn't love Leah but she was far more blessed than Rachel and Leah lived longer than her as well. Genesis 29:31 - When the LORD saw that Leah was unloved, He opened her womb (gave her the ability to prosper, produce and multiply); but Rachel was barren (unable to produce, prosper and multiply) emphasis added.  

So often we allow one relationship to ruin the future of our lives.  God didn't remove Leah away from her spouse, neither did He permit Jacob to send Leah away.  God looked upon Leah's affliction as the unloved wife and positioned her for a blessing in the midst of it all.  Yes Jacob did truly love Rachel and because of this Leah was blessed.  Being the unloved wife and woman does not mean that your life is over, rather it means that you  have been positioned for a blessing.  While Jacob was occupied loving Rachel the barren woman, God was busy blessing Leah's life.  

This is your season to prosper unloved woman! Go and get your blessings! Rachel is going to want your mandrakes. Genesis 30:14 - Now Reuben went in the days of wheat harvest and found mandrakes in the field, and brought them to his mother Leah. Then Rachel said to Leah, "Please give me some of your son's mandrakes." It is time for you to prosper unloved woman, God has opened your spiritual womb for you to give birth to your dreams.

Eventually Rachel did give birth but nothing in comparison to Leah. The unloved woman and wife's blessings far exceeded the loved woman's blessings.  Redirect your focus. God got you in this one!  Rachel had Jacob's love but Leah had Rachel's attention.  The loved woman is watching how God is blessing you.  Rejoice in your overflow, the loved woman is jealous although she has the man's heart. When he left, God came.  God got you!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014


Mothers please do not feel unloved because you didn't get the nice bouquet of flowers, the perfume set or went to the Mother's Day luncheon  at a nice restaurant.  Children appreciating their mothers is not centered around where they take you on Mother's Day or what they do for you on Mother's Day.  We are mothers because God blessed our wombs to provide seed to our husbands. We are mothers so that we can love, care for and provide for our children.  We are mothers so that we can share  in the experience of pregnancy. We are mothers because God granted us the opportunity to raise our children, to watch them grow and most importantly to experience motherhood. It is commanded for children to honour their mother and father and such honor is not only on holidays or during special functions.  Parents our honored when the child respects them, loves them, and cares for them by providing those things necessary for their livelihood. Parents are not honored with material things, so please don't allow the absence of receiving anything material prevent you from recognizing and acknowledging God's blessings upon you in permitting you to be a mother. 

Please don't make your children feel sad because they didn't get you something for Mother's Day.  You've already received the best gift, your children are you gifts from God.  We as mothers must realize that we have been privileged to give birth and raise our children.  As mothers we  need to direct our attention towards God rather than our children and give God thanks for allowing us to have children.  Hanna prayed to have such an experience and likewise Rachel.  Sarah miraculously gave birth in her old age and many used their servants to birth children on their behalf.  

Mother's Day is not about the flowers, the nice presents, or all of your children gathering around to sing your praises or taking you on a nice outing. Mother's Day should be about you focusing on how God has opened and blessed your womb to give birth to a living child.  This Mother's Day I encourage you to break the traditional error of leaving God out of the equation. Remove yourself from the center of attraction and attention and direct your attention, your affection and time towards the One who enabled you to be a mother. Let this Mother's Day be all about Jehovah God.  Don't make your children feel unhappy, don't rob them of their joy because you didn't get what the other mother's received.  This Mother's Day  appreciate the opportunity God gave you and give Jehovah thanks for His blessings. 

Thursday, April 24, 2014


We all have our spiritual mentors, those who contribute to our spiritual development.  Many of us however become too involved in the mentoring and idolized those whom  God has appointed to our lives for a season.  In the educational system students are given a teacher for each scholastic year. These teachers are assigned to prepare students for their next grade or level in education.  If these students refuse to move on, they cease to develop and to learn those things necessary for their survival in this world's system.

The same applies to each believer in the Church.  We are appointed mentors to assist us in developing spiritually for God's glory.  Too often we have become so committed to the individual or the Church that we inadvertently stagnate our spiritual growth.  We must become spiritually sensitive to discern the seasons in our lives.  Our spiritual mentors are not permanently assigned unto us, they must move and we must do the same.  

We are assigned to ministries and ministers are assigned unto us, together edification and perfection is birth in our lives.  When the aforesaid has been accomplished, it is time to move on to the next level, the next spiritual mentor, and the next step towards perfection in Christ.  Spiritual growth is not about how long you can remain faithful to a ministry or an individual. Spiritual growth consists  of your faithfulness to the call upon your life and your level of obedience unto the Spirit's leadership.  We must learn to embrace the Spirit's guidance when we are being unction to move towards the next level.  This means that for some of us as ministers its another flock, as followers its another ministry, but we must move on. The Word had to leave heaven to become our Saviour. Our Saviour had to leave the earth to become King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Saul had to leave the Council to become the Apostle Paul, Elisha left his family to receive the mantle of Elijah, the Prophet and the list goes on.  You might have to leave your job, someone else will have to leave his siblings like Abraham, another might have to attach herself to another ministry and others will have to relocate. All of this is a part of growth. Can God's Spirit lead you towards your next level in your spiritual walk?

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Spiritual Relationship

I believe that the most difficult time in the life of any Christian or Believer is those moments when Jehovah is silent.  We are waiting for an answer to our prayers.  If only to hear yes or no or even wait, we will be relieved and know that our lives are pleasing unto Him. 

We must come to the realization that our relationship with our heavenly Father is similar to our relationships with each other. In no relationship will it always be our way, on our standards, in our time, it just doesn't work like that.  The same applies to God, He doesn't answer us  because it is urgent on our end, or because we know that He can change our circumstances with one word.  

Our relationship with Jehovah is spiritual.  It is a relationship which consists of a variety of conditions.  As our heavenly Father, we must honor God and wait on His instructions and guidance as any parent provides for his child.  As our Healer we must wait on our healing regardless of our physical discomforts.  As our Savior we must come as yielded vessels unto Him realizing that without His assistance we would drown in the sea of sin.  As our Creator we esteem Him as the Greatest, The Almighty God which demands of us reverence.  

Regardless of how we relate to God, we must realize that our relationship with Him is spiritual and we must respect all of His functions and offices.  The most difficult time in our lives as Christians or  Believers is those moments of silence.  However I have learnt that we can endure those times when God is not speaking because they are the times when He is most observant of our conduct.  What is the message that you're sending to Him when you can't get your answer when you want it, can't get  your breakthrough how you want it or have your own way in a situation? God's mouth may be closed and  His hand withheld but this does not mean that His eyes are closed.  Our relationship with Him is spiritual.  Don't let your flesh get in the way!

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Rice and Peas or Peas and Rice

What is so different about the order of words in this topic?  Is it the same combination?  Most certainly the ingredients are the same, but there is a significant difference.  If it is Rice and Peas then it means that the rice has been added to the peas. If it is Peas and Rice then this means that peas were added to the rice.  The difference therefore is that there is more of one ingredient than the other.  

Flesh and Spirit or Spirit and Flesh? This is the question that we must ask ourselves as Believers or Followers of the Christian faith.  Are we living our lives more in the flesh or more in the Spirit? The difference is that one is more influential in the daily decisions that we make. Too often Christians have said, "I'm only human."  This is complete defiance unto the spiritual rebirth!  You are either flesh and spirit or spirit and flesh.  Neither of us are only flesh or only spirit, however we must realize that one overpowers the other.  

Rice and Peas meas that the rice was added to the peas, the peas out numbers the rice.  Flesh and Spirit is how we should be living which is the flesh added to our spiritual lives for survival in this natural realm where we exist.  However most of our lives are being lived in the opposite, i.e. spirit and flesh.  The Spirit of God was not added to our flesh. When God created the male and female they were more spiritual than carnal (flesh); this is how we were created to exist.  Peas and Rice is the proper dish and I highly doubt that most persons would prefer more peas than rice.  We should neither prefer more flesh than spirit because living this type of life only  ushers us to a quicker death.  Rice and Peas or Peas and Rice; Flesh and Spirit or Spirit and Flesh - you decide which will out number the other. 

Saturday, March 29, 2014


There comes a time in our lives when we are excited about what the next page in our lives will present unto us.  Waiting for the expiration of twenty four hours feels like the duration of a month.  "What will tomorrow bring if today is this good" is the question we ask ourselves as we await the new day.  Such feeling reminds me of the joy that floods the heart of the babe in Christ, everything is happening so quickly.  Prayers are answered almost immediately, new friends, a new mind, a new heart and most importantly a new life - fullness of joy.  With such newness experienced simultaneously, the excitement of what the next page in our lives will bring is overwhelming.  We believe everything promised to us in the holy scriptures and we receive it with joy knowing that our God, Jehovah is able to do all things well.

Time passes and we are challenged to mature spiritually and because of this we experience the opposite. Our prayers are not so quickly answered, our new friends are now those who gossip about us and betray us. We struggle with having the mind of Christ and a heart of flesh and sadly  the promises of God are no longer yea and amen for us because the answers to our prayers are delayed.  Temptations, divers temptations are experienced daily and we fight to remain alive spiritually.  Now we don't want to see what the next page in our lives will present unto us.  We don't  want to hear the next rumor about ourselves, we don't want to experience the broken relationship with the new friend our church member, we don't want to sacrifice something else which we enjoyed.  The next page is what we don't want to live and we would rather just remain right here and put a bookmark on our lives until we are relieved from today's sufferings.  

Unfortunately the pages must turn and like all stories they have to end, this applies to the excitement, the pain, the divers temptations and the betrayals, every story has an end.  Are you excited about what the next page in your life will bring?  Are you expecting another trial, another betrayal, another answer to your prayer, or another person to leave your life? The pages of our lives is something that we must embrace whether or not we are prepared.  We don't know for certain what tomorrow will bring but we will experience whatever the next page in our lives discloses. Whether life or death, joy or sorrow, victory or failure, love or emotional pain, healing or brokenness - it will come.  Are you ready for your next page?

Monday, March 17, 2014


Suppose those words that you spoke in anger immediately took effect, how will you feel?  We so often fail to control our tongues and release curses into the spiritual realm over the lives of others and ourselves, not considering the effect of our words. 

Suppose you are terminated from the job that you've been complaining about for the past six months, how will you satisfy your expenses? Probably it is time for you to have a change of heart and come to the realization that your job is not for you to establish friendships or for your physical comfort.  Your job is for you to be able to provide for yourself, your family if applicable and to enable you to enjoy some pleasures in life. 

Suppose the child that you claim is always getting on your last nerve dies, would you feel relieved?  We must learn to be grateful for the  blessings of God; He  provided us with a child.  We have someone to love, someone to care for, someone to assist in shaping their future, someone who resembles us and most importantly someone from ourselves whom we can call our own. Learn to appreciate the blessings of God. 

Suppose the car that you are so tired of repairing, whose back truck no longer opens, air conditioner is not working and the rear windows can't go down, just stop working?  Would you honestly prefer to take a cab everywhere you have to go or hike a ride and also have to contribute towards gas? The car is not as attractive as it use to look and does not function as good as when you got it but it is a vehicle that takes you where you want to go and when you want to go.  

It is really time for us to take a deeper look within our hearts and come to the realization that there are so many things which we  take for granted.  We must also come to the realization that we complain too much about those things that are really in our lives to bring us joy, make our lives easier, grant us fulfillment and most importantly give us hope for the better.  Just suppose it really happens, would you honestly be happier?

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Can't Afford To Quit!

There is a song that says, "We've come this far by faith leaning on the Lord. Trusting in His holy word, He's never failed me yet!" This song is often times sung with compassion and this compassion can be seen on the faces of persons while worshiping the Lord. It is a joyous sight. Notwithstanding the song is sang as a testimony, we so quickly negate how far the Lord has brought us. 

When we find ourselves focusing more on where we want to be, what we want to possess and how we want to live, our vision becomes blurred. If we sincerely believe that the position we now find ourselves in is as the result of leaning on the Lord, then it is the Lord who will take us further, provide those things our hearts desire and improve our lifestyles. We have come this far by faith and not by means of our spouses, our education, our profession, our social connections but by leaning on the Lord. 

We have dreamed dreams, we have offered prayers, we have made spiritual sacrifices and we have also yielded our lives onto the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Resulting from the aforementioned, our faith has ushered us into our present position and it is this FAITH that we must focus on. We have truly came this far by faith and it is our faith that we must continue to hold onto. We can't afford to quit; not now, not ever. We must fight the good fight of faith and continuously remind ourselves that is our faith that has brought us this far. Let us continue to lean on the Lord for there is much more spiritual distance for you and I to travel. We can't afford to quit, there is more for us to encounter on this journey.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

The Danger In Not Knowing

We have become so accustomed to just focusing on Adam and Eve's sin and missing the root of the matter. Truly we have equally suffered from their decision to disobey Jehovah, but we have also done the same act. There should be no comfort in us just knowing how we inherited our sinful nature. We also should not find any comfort in our acceptance of the lordship of Jesus Christ in our lives to free us from our sinful nature. Unless we dig deeper to ascertain the root of the matter, we will also like Eve succumb to the consequences of not knowing. We cannot get to the root of the matter unless we dig. Roots grow downwards into the ground and are not seen on the surface. Therefore you and I must dig deep to obtain the root of the matter so that in Christ we can continuously overcome sin and prevent it from having any further dominion over us. So what is the danger in not knowing? The danger in not knowing is the open door for you and I to make the same mistake like Adam and Eve. Let's get out of our comfort zones and seek the golden nugget. Why was Eve deceived? Eve was deceived because of three reasons. First of all she did not understand what woman meant. Adam said that she shall be called woman because she was taken from man. Secondly Eve refused to acknowledge her identity which was in the likeness of Adam who was created in the likeness of Elohim. Our third reason is a combination of the two; Eve's inability to define woman and understand and/or accept her identity was the reason for her deception. Eve accepted the proposal of the serpent that she would be as or like God after eating the fruit simply because she failed to acknowledge that she already was in His image and likeness. Recognize that the serpent did not offer Eve anything. What the serpent did was robbed Eve of her identity because she did not know who she was - this is the danger in not knowing. Eve already had dominion and likewise Adam. They both reflected the image and likeness of God, even to the extent of His mind and authority. What was Eve going to gain by eating the fruit? Nothing of value, on the contrary they both suffered loss thereafter. All of this happened and began with one issue, Eve not acknowledging who she was and what she had. We have all been born in sin, shaped in iniquity and suffered sin dominating our lives in the absence of Christ being Lord simply because of one person's ignorance. There is great danger in not knowing.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

My Committed Change!

I have made up my mind to do one simple yet a very profound thing - 'To live my life totally in Christ and permit everything else to fall apart so that He can set everything that concerns me in His divine order.' I verily believe this is one of the best choices I've made in a long time and you're welcome to join me. Too often we try to include Christ in our endeavors when Christ should be our lifestyle. Many of us claim that it is in Him we live, in Him we move and in Him we have our being. Sadly we don't live our lives in such a manner because we do so much without Christ. There is an old hymnal song which says, 'Without Him I can do nothing. Without Him I'd surely fail. Without Him life would be hopeless, like a ship without a sail.' A ship without a sail is simply a ship whose destination cannot be navigated or steered, it goes wherever the winds blows. This is not the type of life that Almighty God intends for us to live, therefore I have made up my mind to commit myself to a positive and lasting change. To live my life in Christ and no matter how chaotic the world around me becomes, I am knowledgeable of a very pertinent fact, HE created this world in which we live in out of chaos, and God can do the same with mine.

Monday, February 10, 2014


We hear many declarations by various spiritual leaders and fellow Christians and we likewise watch various ministries on television. Not every spiritual declaration is for our lives. While some declarations are universal and conditional, others are just for the local assembly of the spiritual leader. Too often we as Christians, grab and hold tightly onto a declaration which was not intended for our lives and it is because we are out of position. We are down the road or in another place catching the new spiritual drift from another ministry and not where God has placed us. If we will learn to commit, support and adhere to the spiritual instructions of our spiritual leaders where we have been assigned to be spiritually trained and matured; we will not be tossed about with every wind of doctrine. Ephesians 4:14 (NKJV) - "that we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting,..." How often have we told children, "Please keep still, just sit there for are too busy!" The only way we can ensure that we hold our seats is by committing and supporting the ministry and spiritual leader to whom we have been assigned. God is faithful to add to each local assembly those persons needed for the ministry to be effective in every spiritual area. God is also faithful to add to each local assembly spiritual gifts, administrators and ministers to meet the needs of its members and faithful supporters. When you and I fail to hold our seats, we contribute to a need not being met, a work not being properly executed and a people lacking the fullness of their spiritual lives in Christ. We are too easily lured away by each new wave of doctrine and movement and so quickly adapt to what other ministries are practicing. Learn the vision of your local assembly, commit to assisting with bringing that vision into reality for God's glory and practice holding your seat by remaining faithful to the work whereby you have been called. Ephesians 4:1 (NKJV) - "I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called..." It does not matter what the other ministries are doing, our responsibility is to assist and support where God has planted us and learn how to hold our seats. It is time for us to stop playing musical chairs and focus on our spiritual purpose. It is also time for all silly games and spiritual immaturity to come to an end. Each of us as followers of Christ and laborers in God's Kingdom must desire to mature and walk worthy of our spiritual calling. It is time for each of us to hold our seats!

Sunday, January 26, 2014

The Assignment, Knowing The Purpose

I am doubling up on my productivity this year. I do not only believe that this is my year to experience and receive double; I am also producing double for God's glory. The principle of double is not based on wishful thinking but upon our method and quantity of sowing. My expectancy is double because I am doubling up on my praise, worship, prayers, meditation and talents...The only time my talents will be buried is when planted in a fertile ground for sowing. Here is my next book and there is much more to come. As the Lord deposits into my soul, I will be obedient and write it, publish it and wait on the next one. This is my year for double productivity!

VAIN, The Foundation of Emptiness Book

We have inadvertently failed to acknowledge our vain thoughts, our vain prayers, our vain worship and our vain labor. We have spent hours thinking, years citing vain repetitions as prayers and for many of us a great portion of our lives attempting to discover our purpose and to fill our emptiness. Tanya E. Munroe, Apostolic Teacher of Word Alive Ministries International and author of Definition By Character, Broken But Not Destroyed, A Forgiving Heart and Situations once again provoke her readers to thoroughly examine themselves. The contents of this book will stimulate your mind causing you to take a spiritual, microscopic view of your motives. What is vain about your life? Where is the foundation of your emptiness? Tanya's purpose in writing this book is to assist you in discovering how the vain areas of your life contributed to your emptiness. There is a void that needs to be filled. There is a foundation of emptiness that must be rooted up. There is a strategic plan for filling your voids and eradicating your emptiness and that plan is disclosed within the pages of this book.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

The Truth and I (made with Spreaker)

My Shopping Cart


We like to persuade ourselves that we have it all together. Sadly we know that we have deceived ourselves. Why do we do this? PRIDE. Too many of us who profess Christianity love ourselves more than we love Elohim, God. Self love is self worship and is also idolatry. So many of us as Christians are disgusted with the fact that we allowed someone to see the softer, emotional side of us, and struggle with giving our love unto others. This type of mindset and attitude is not of God and truly is not spiritual. The softer, emotional side of us is what we should be comfortably manifesting. Throughout the word of God we read that Jesus was moved by compassion. Having it all together is not what you and I  have so often deceived ourselves into believing. Having it all together truly means that we have completely surrendered ALL of ourselves unto God. This means that our self made character and image must die. We must allow Elohim, God to keep us together like clay in the hands of a potter.  We must release ourselves from that image in the forefront of our minds and permit the Spirit of God to replace it with God's image. Genesis 1:27 (NKJV) - "So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female  he created them." We have forgotten that we are made in Elohim's image and likeness. Rather than conforming to Him, we have made every attempt to conform to the image of ourselves. What a great deception!

If you were asked if you worshiped an idol, your answer would be no.  This would be your answer because you have been ignorant of the fact that you've been worshiping the image of yourself. You have held onto and pursued that image for so many years. This image of yourself have prevented you from experiencing God in an intimate way. It has secluded you and prevented you from establishing healthy relationships with a church, with your neighbor, with co-workers and potential friends. You are so caught up with just doing you...idolatry. You love yourself so much, that selfishness is the message of your life rather than the love of Christ dwelling in your heart. It has also hardened your heart towards others, thus preventing you from restoring relationships. This image of yourself have kept you in bondage, thus preventing you from loving, caring, forgiving and being sincere unto others. Probably you don't worship Buddha, Molech, Allah, Ra, or Baal but are you guilty of worshiping the image of YOU? Deuteronomy 5:6, 7 (NKJV) - "I am the Lord your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt (worldliness), out of the house of bondage (controlled by sinful desires). You shall have no other gods before Me (nothing in your life should be of greater importance than your relationship with your Creator)" emphasis added. Are your decisions made to honor the image of yourself or the image of God? Idolatry includes self worship. If the image of yourself have not yet been torn down, I want you know that Jesus Christ is not Lord of your life and Elohim is not your God. You are your own god and you are yet to conform to God's will and be transformed to His image. Until the image in the forefront of your mind is replaced with the image and likeness of Elohim God, you are guilty of idolatry. "Jesus said to him, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind." this is the first and great commandment." Matthew 22:37, 38 (NKJV).

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Make It Plain

It usually take some set backs in life to provoke us to make the vision which we received from God plain enough for us to understand and also obey. We have so often heard many say that it is important to write the vision down and make it plain. I had so much confidence in myself and was fully persuaded that I can keep whatever God showed me in the forefront of my mind. Did I forget it as time went by? No I did not and can recite the details of the vision if asked to do so. The challenge was not my ability to recall the details but to execute in accordance to the details. We so often allow others to offer their suggestions on how, when and what we should do in relation to the vision we received from God. This is where all the confusion begin. We are instructed to make the vision plain to ensure that there are no alterations to what Almighty God showed us. When Moses received his instructions from God as it relates to how he must build the temple, he obeyed God completely. Moses used the exact height, width, colors, positions, numbers, clothing and jewels for the priests, and vessels. He changed nothing. This is what it means to make the vision plain - we change nothing. Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly Psalm 1:1. The ungodly is any advice or counsel contrary to that which we've received from Almighty God. Make it plain. We must make it plain because our failure or refusal to do so will delay the vision becoming a reality. God has not forgotten about you. He is not slack concerning His promise. The message He sent to you will not return to Him void. Elohim, God is waiting for you and I to become fully persuaded that the vision is real, that it must not be altered and for us to receive it in our hearts as He sent it. Make it plain people of God and watch God make it real.

Friday, January 17, 2014


As Christians we often times blame the devil for most of the negative things that occur in our lives. Rarely would we examine ourselves to ascertain where and how we erred in our decision making. Indeed the devil's assignment is to lure us away and tempt us to do contrary to Elohim's will for our lives; however we are solely responsible for our decisions made. With excitement most of us will say that we love our God and further confession to having a relationship with Him. As Christians we would defend the validity of the holy scriptures and commit ourselves to reading or studying it daily. We purchase spiritual books, inspirational and gospel music, we surround ourselves with spiritual materials which will aid in our spiritual development. We have one problem. We repeatedly deny the TRUTH. How often have Christians without any hesitation admitted that Saturday is the Sabbath and the Ten Commandments are still applicable, yet they refuse to observe the Sabbath day as commanded? How many followers of Christ understand that love is applicable to all, yet revenge is sought against their offenders? How many of us have accepted marriage as a holy, sacred covenant for the term of our spouses' lives and yet as Christians we get divorce and remarry while our spouses are still alive? What about tithing, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves, submitting unto spiritual leadership, honesty and having a humble spirit. I am writing about denial of the truth found in the holy scriptures. We claim to be followers and believers of the Word of God, yet we so easily deny the truth when our lives are challenged to endure a trial, maintain a relationship or challenged to change. We completely understand the importance and principle of forgiveness yet so often bridges are burnt, friendships terminated, membership or support of our local assemblies (church) discontinued or marriages dissolved. DENIAL - We become delusional and full of pride as the result of our rejection of the TRUTH. Are we going to continue to blame the devil because we refuse to change? DENIAL! Are we going to continue to say it was our spouse's fault, our spiritual leader, our friend, neighbor or whomsoever we can blame other than ourselves? DENIAL! Are we going to continue to blame the devil because we are so adamant and selfish about having our own way? DENIAL! All to Jesus I surrender, all to Him I freely give. What have you given unto Him? Jesus is yet to become Lord in most of our lives because we are yet to surrender our will unto Him? Jesus is The Way to Elohim God, He is The Truth about ourselves and who God is and He is The Life that our souls are so desperate to experience. DENIAL - we have denied the TRUTH, which means we have denied the living word of God which also means we are denying Christ. I guess you will deny this also.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


The spirit of Jezebel in a male or female attaches itself to a spiritual leader posing as one sent to assist in accomplishing the leader's spiritual assignment. This spirit is beautiful, charming and extremely helpful in the beginning. The spirit of Jezebel is cunning, deceitful and driven by hidden evil. The male or female who operates under this spirit is sent by Satan to distort the spiritual leader's vision, defame his/her character and in the end sabotage the leader's future and ministry. Upon being recognized, rebuked and set aside, this individual thereafter shares all that he/she has learnt about the spiritual leader unto others attempting to slander and destroy the leader's character. This is Jezebel's method of concealing his/her real identity. Jezebel is driven by revenge and always sees herself as the victim. Jezebel is a traitor. The spirit of Jezebel is a seducer sent to lure the leader away from his/her spiritual purpose. Jezebel is a destroyer. Jezebel is controlling and undermines the spiritual leader in a subtle manner. The spirit of Jezebel protects itself by ending the relationship, abandoning the ministry and completely disconnecting itself from the spiritual leader as an attempt to mentally, emotionally and spiritually paralyze the leader. I thank God for the Jehu anointing for truly the spirit of Jezebel will be over thrown, exposed and destroyed


THE YEAR OF DOUBLE PORTION Many are anticipating a double portion in 2014. Let us just say that this is what this year represents and if so, it is applicable to all. If we verily believe that God rains on the just and the unjust because rain must come, then the same applies to double in 2014. The question is not who the double portion is applicable to but what in each individual's life will be doubled. Take your time and review the list of things that will be doubled: 1. The hurt and pain you've cause will be doubly returned to you 2. The love and kindness given will be doubly received 3. The finances you've invested in God's kingdom will be increased by double 4. The malicious slander of a person's character and name will be doubled unto you 5. The curses you've spoke in revenge and bitterness will be returned unto you double 6. The seeds you've sown will rapidly spring forth at a double rate whether negative or positive. 7. The trouble and confusion you've caused will be returned unto you double 8. The doors you've closed and boundaries you've set in spite to block people out of your life will return unto you double (burnt bridges). 9. You will receive a double portion of your deceitfulness 10. You will receive a double judgment for stealing in whatever manner from your employer, God, spouse, friend or neighbor; expect to suffer a double portion of loss. The year of 2014 is a year of double portion, however many are not prepared to receive the rewards or consequences of their actions. I want you to know that in this year, our rebuking the devil will not annul and make void the consequences of our wrong doings. Be prepared to receive double and except a speedy return because time is also moving at a double rate. I do humbly advise and recommend that we do equally be careful of our conduct and especially how we treat others because there is a speedy boomerang effect. This is the year of 2014... what is being doubled in your life?

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Faith and Reconciliation (Positioning yourself for fruitfulness)

Get assistance in restoring your broken relationships and position yourself for fruitfulness. Purchase Apostle's latest book A Forgiving Heart and allow the contents of this book to heal and motivate you to live your life to the fullest for God's glory. Just click the following link for review

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

I am a Christian

I am often times wrong and I often times say I'm SORRY. Oftentimes I am confused and not ashamed to say so. I do find myself needing help many times in my life, and I am not afraid to ask for it. Sometimes my emotions and thoughts are out of whack and I act foolishly and I am not too proud to admit it. I am not so wrapped up in myself and full of pride whereby I find it necessary for me to hide my weaknesses... Like the good book said, we will fall short of His glory and often times I do. Every time I recognize that I have failed, messed up, said the wrong words, did something wrong, I seek forgiveness both from man and God and I move on. I am a Christian and I love the Lord with all of my heart and I love my life with all of my shortcomings...What about you?

Thursday, January 2, 2014

It Is Our Choice

Daily our minds are bombarded with ideas. Some of these ideas are immediately discarded and esteemed as not worthy of our time in thought. However there are some ideas that come to our minds which we ponder for days. When we meditate on a thought, we are inadvertently making the decision to give life to the idea or thought. Many of us have made new year's resolutions and have pondered many thoughts. It is the responsibility of each one of us to choose which of our ideas is worth giving life unto. As attractive and comforting as some thoughts are, they are not always for our good. Some of the most appealing things to our eyes, hearts and minds are also the most destructive to our souls and the greatest deterrence in us accomplishing our set goals. It is our choice what we do with our ideas. We must come to the realization that things which are unappealing have great difficulty in luring us away from our purpose in life. So what must you and I do with the appealing ideas or thoughts that crowd our minds? We must discern every thought and be careful of what we meditate on because we cannot afford to give life to the wrong idea - 2 Corinthians 10:3-6 (mental warfare). It is our choice whether we are going to bite the wrong bait and plummet or bite the right bait and excel. Both baits (ideas) are appealing and presents itself as being for our good. Some of the most uncomfortable thoughts bring to our lives the most rewarding results. We must be very careful of what we choose because our choice, whether physical or mental will determine if you and I will plummet from or thrust toward our goals. We all have appealing ideas, we just need to realize that as good as they appear to be, some of our ideas are destructive. It is our choice what we do with our ideas. We must make sure that the result of our decisions is taking us upward and toward and not downward and away from your set goals in life.